Does your girl know about your AAS use?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
So I'm pretty serious with my girlfriend and I was planning on telling her about my usage however I wasn't planning on telling her for a while. I'm headed out to the middle east next month and I'm training out in Virginia. I flew her into DC and we spent the weekend up there where the truth prematurely came out. Long story short, she told me she trusted my judgment and though she didn't like the idea of me stabbing myself, she supports me all the way. Fuck I love this girl Anyone else have supporting girlfriends or wives?
Sounds like she already knew. I was in your position once, she didnt care, but it gave her something to use against me if anything came up.
Haven't had that issue come up yet, but I'm sure I'd have to keep it a secret for awhile. That's a hell of a high card they're gonna be holding in their deck against you. Maybe it's wise to wait until you get some real crazy dirt on them first, just to level the playing field :D
nice bro glad you got yourself a great girl. I need one of those she got a sister lol. fuck ill relocate lmao. Sucks your headin out bro but ill still talk to ya. Btw check your pm's and hit me up this weekend sometime.
I been married for 16 years and my thinking is - why is it her business?
I also dont tell her about my protien, glutimine ect.... usage. I know, I'm
being a little sarcastic. Everybody is different - you gotta do what you think
is right. In my case I think my wife would rather NOT know and it aint a big deal
to me. Just simpler in my case and no chance for xtra drama.
Lol im not guna lie fellas thats what i did.....i found some bad shit about my gf when i was dating her back in the day....called her out on it and then was like "oh yea btw ive been juicin my ass off" (basically) and it worked. i mean she was pissed and trust was a major issue after that in our relationship but it worked for the time being but it could f* things up in the future for ure relationship IF IF IF u told her previously that u were clean and werent doin shit....its either u tell her early, and be honest if she asks, or wait til u have some dirt...but when u have some dirt, u might not even wana stay with the chic anyways, ya know what i mean?
I've never lied to my wife about it because she's never asked!

I told her that I had used something in the past but she has no idea what I did or when and I left it at that. She knows I wanted to try IGF a few years back and we talked about it and she was reluctant about it but I basically put my foot down and told her I was doing it and we had a don't ask / don't tell policy about it and it never came up again. I ended up running IGF on and off for the past few years and she doesn't know or at least pretends not to know about it and I've left it at that.
i ended up telling my now wife. I had to tell her. (wasnt the best way) read: "told the woman about my habits".

anyway, when you live together- its next to impossible to hide it. Specially when your receiving packages. Basements help, specially when you have a reason to be down there (I shower in mine)- its completely finished. Another thing is the bruising, swelling, and just plain growing. I hate lying, just didn’t want to keep lying to her.
I thought it was impossible to hide but it turns out it's actually pretty easy, I have a side pocket on my backpack that isn't easily noticeable that I keep a shaving bag in with syringes, pins and just what I need for a week. The rest of my gear is hidden above some sheetrock in the ceiling in the basement that you'd have to be really brave to put your hand up there not knowing what you were going to find so the wife never even contemplates it. I change out the used pins for new ones and shoot when the house is empty. I've even shot at the office bathroom in the past which was easy to do as well.
lmao b haha, yeah mike most people are so uneducated about it that you can tell them you just started dieting right and training harder and you can fool them.