HGH injection timing


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
alright my babies i have a buddy who is going to be running hgh and igf at the same time along with a cycle of aas..its a lean mass cycle and its perfectly laid out so there are no worries there..my question is in regards to when you feel the best time to inject his hgh would be..he is going to be using 2ius and 60mcgs of igf broken up into two seperate shots, one post workout and i think possibly around bedtime...i personally like my hgh at night before bed, i know it blunts your natural hgh release but i would rather have 4ius to aid in my sleep muscle recovery than the high of 1iu naturally released..but i am thinking since its a low dose of just 2ius it may be best in the AM upon awakening...hmmmmm lets bounce some ideas around
In my experience, I got best results when I took HGH directly post-workout. I didn't notice much of an effect as far as muscle-building when taken any other time. If you also want fat loss, then I'd say upon waking up would be a great time to take it as well. I tried the before bed time, but I always ended up not sleeping--don't know if that is unusual or not. IGF, definitely post-workout.
so you think igf and hgh both post workout? how far apart? i was thinking this, hgh first thing in the morning after some cardio and a protein shake, then back to sleep for a few hours and then take the igf post workout as stated?