hey bros i am new here


New member
I just want to say hi to everyone out there. I am 205 wt 5'9" ht i do not know my bf but i am lean no love handles. I train 5 days a weak reps r at 10 and set r at 4.i don't do cardo but maybe once a weak. I'll be talking to you guys later thanks.;)
good to have ya - how long you been doing 4 sets of 10? Might be time to switch
it up a little. Welcome
Welcome you big truck!!!! Ibet you drive one of those don't you???? I won't be passin you just flyin over Welcome to the board:wave:
Welcome to the board bro. The members here are pretty cool feel free to ask anything (that dosnt break the rules) and someone here will have a answer for you. Good guys here.