igf and slin run options


New member
in the next few weeks i will be running my igf along with low dose slin (5-8 ius pwo) my question pertains to the igf......
option 1
igf 40mcg/day (20 bilateral) 5 days/wk for 90 days or

option 2
igf 80mcg/day (40 bi) 5 days/wk for 45 days
(also chances are all injects will be in bis and tris maybe calves too)

what do you guys think will yield better results; explain also your reasoning. would one have better fat loss or muscle gain, strength gain??

i personally like 90 days b/c i will be occupied and not in a hurry to get on aas but i am definitely open to change...thx
yes i know loads of guys who have done it alone with gear, and loved it
hmm, no crap. i thought it was synergistic with hgh and by itself just helped your appetite.

learning everyday. good stuff.
Slin and hgh actually work against each other so you have to take them at the right times or you ruin the effect of one or the other. When done correctly though, the results are pretty damn nice.