neck training

neck other than traps...

as in muscles moving the head forward , chin to chest , back looking at the skye , over each shoulder by rotating the head , and side to side as to touch the ear to the shoulder.

How many of you guys train your neck , what is your opinions on training the neck.
i really don't care for the machines they have, so i just hang my head over the bench-put a 45lbs plate on my forehead and curl w/ my neck-
usually 3 sets of 20
So you just do forward movement , not backwards flexing , side or rotating?

Also since you work your neck , do you feel like its helped , its made any noticable gains in your neck , strength of your neck..

help with any other exercises?
just forward movement nothing else, started doing this once i started wrestling-have to have a thick tough neck to wrestle...

never measured my neck but have had people compliment me on it...usually something like-you look like a deer in rut!

that one movement along with shoulder shrugs for my traps is all I think you need
I used to train my neck. Way back a long time ago i found a machine. I did something really bad to my back 2 times on it, where i couldnt move my head for like a day. Good thing i was only 16 back then and could bounce back really fast.

as far as today, i have a big neck from i dont know what... but i can feel it being worked when i do crunches...
i dont train my neck i used to have one of the head harness and chains but lost it. My neck is like 18 inches or so i wouldnt mind it being a bit bigger but dont really have anything to train it. Might try what dorian said.