First run Hgh suggestions


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
How much hgh did you run on your first go with it. I know some of the sides are edema. What did you do to combat this?
start low - and work your way up
2 iu's the first week, then go up from there
no 2 iu's per day should be low enough for your body to get use to it...then you can go up to 3 iu's per day then 4 iu's
How long would you run it for a first run. I know standard protocol is usually a pretty long duration and I have seen in upwards of 6 months on some guys posts.
How long would you run it for a first run. I know standard protocol is usually a pretty long duration and I have seen in upwards of 6 months on some guys posts.

at least 6 months to see results... Ive run 10iu every other day, and even 2iu every day,,,, Ive been using 4ui everyday now and I have seen the best results....also run 12.5mcg of T3 with it as the HGH will have some affect on your thyroid ....that is assuming that you are doing "gear" with it... if you are not "on" then dont run the T3 because it will eat up your gains.

Let me if know if that helped bro !
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How long would you run it for a first run. I know standard protocol is usually a pretty long duration and I have seen in upwards of 6 months on some guys posts.

you will just be getting started at 6 months brutha to be honest with ya! Their wouldnt be much point in running it for 6 months and then stopping brutha
I ran it for 4 months the first time since that was all I had money for, but I did get some results from it. Started up like Chris250 said and went up to 5iu/day. The second time, I had enough for 8 months--that was great, btw--did 5iu/day and then up to 10iu eod. I really wished I could have gone longer.
Thats why I asked. I knew I had seen something about 6 months but I couldn't remember if it was saying start at six months or that was a long run. Thanks again.
If you start some, please keep a journal. We'd love to hear your experiences on it. I really should have done it myself when I did my 8 month run.