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a friend of mine had some igtropin , well just one kit 10vls = just 1mg, lol
payed way to much , and after that expo date was 07. could that stuff still be good? has anyone used it? any thoughts ?:lurk:
Daaammn, Pooooossibly if it was kept right it might be ok. I mean IGF is known to be good to go up to three years. Your friend definately got hosed.
500 bucks! lol he was told it was 5 months worth,lol i felt bad when told the great news that he got srrewwwwddd!
its funny, friends tell me after they spend the money ,then ask me " hey the box says expo date 07, do you think its still good . but this is the real deal , a pharmacy made ,lol.
Powders like that will keep for a long time. In the case of GH, as long as it was kept somewhere cool, then it should almost be up to potency even if it was '07. Since you don't really know that, I wouldn't expect too much from it. Sounds like maybe he bought it from some local source.