Favorite exercises change?

The longer you train do you feel like your favorite exercises change?

Or do you just get to the point where you start to love all the exercises?
they change but for me mainly because of injuries and needinmg to favor a body part for a period of time, and i have loved it, and hated it and loved it again and its always been like that for me,lol
I feel like I fall between the categories , but sort of for the same reasons as you I feel they change. Not from injuries but time off and since ive came back pretty light and muscle connection focused sets and I just had the thought that..... I really love dumbell rows , I love the way they feel.... So I figured I would post about it.
Yeah, mine def do all the time. I tend to mentally psych myself into each workout. Like I know tomorrow's arms so I'll be thinking about it and focusing on it throughout the day and by the time I get there, I make myself like it even if I'm doing something I don't love. Leg days are my current favorite, but there's sometimes where I absolutely dread them and just go and rock it because I know I have to... I always try to give my best effort everyday.
I like all exercises but I tend to have different goals at different times and put more effort into improving that specific lift. So I have a love/hate relationship with bench right now, I love it bad want to add to it!
id say every 2 or 3 months i start to love and hate certain bodyparts.... i think its a big mental game after awhile