Clen Diet...


New member
So I'm starting clen today and wondering if I should make some changes to my diet.  Right now I'm 5'6, 130lbs, 18%BF and I'm on a 1300 cal/ day diet with 40/20/40 P/F/C.  I'm thinking I should lower the carbs while on clen.  Any suggestions?
if you lower the carb, be sure to up the protein .. you don't wanna go to low on total cal .. speaking from experience .. :(
Definately.  I was thinking of changing the ratio of P/F/C but getting more than 40% protein would be a challenge.  I'm sure I could do it but that would just mean a lot more tuna.  Yay!   <!--emo&+=--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='+='><!--endemo-->
chow down on protein powder ... if you're in the us which i assume you are you can try schwartz labs.. i hear good shit about it.. taste is secondairy, but it seems both the proteinpowder itself aswell as the taste is great so.. win-win situation i guess..

Ya, got me some protein powder today against my will (I was trying to avoid it as long as I could....I practically lived off the stuff last summer to lose 20lbs).  But no, I'm not in the US.  Just went to good <!--emo&OL--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='OL'><!--endemo-->' GNC.
Just wondering, how low should I go with the carbs?...and how high with the protein?  Should I lower my calories as well, or are they low enough.  I appreciate the input. ;)
Don't lower you calorie intake any more than you all ready have.  If I am doing a low/no carb diet I try not to take in any more than 30grams of carbs.  I don't use the % ratio, I also don't count my calories....I know approx what I take in, but that not what I pay attention to, when I am on a low carbs I just watch my carb grams.  So I am not really sure what your %'s should be.  I take in at least 1-1 1/2 grams of protien per pound of body weight, and the carbs that I do get come from what is in my protien shakes and broccoli and brussel sprouts and salad.  I avoid all startchy carbs... That is what I do, and it works good for me, and is fairly easy for me to watch what I am taking in without a whole lot of measureing and calculating.  Hope that is some what helpfull.  :D
Thanks Dezir...that's very helpful.  Right now, with the ratio I'm using I take in around a whopping 130g of carbs/day.  And 130g/protein as well.  That amount of carbs must sound crazy to you, but considering I was probably eating around 200g before I decided to cut, it's been good for me and I've leaned up quite a bit so far.  But, I'm sure I would have even better results if I lowered them even more, so I'm going to drop to 100g/day and see how that goes.  Of course I'll be upping the proteing as well, to 150g.  I can't imagine only eating 30g/day.  Where do you get your energy??