Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) Profile


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Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) Profile

MGF is a produced within the body, as a form of IGF-1, when mechanical resistance is applied to muscles (such as weight training). At this point, the IGF-1 gene is spliced to produce IGF-1Ec (which is another name for MGF). This production of MGF can stimulate satellite cells into activation, to create new muscle fiber. MGF also promotes nitrogen retention and new protein synthesis. It could actually be the case that this particular expression of MGF (IGF-1Ec) is an important part of the deciding factors in whether a muscle will grow or not

The introduction of this peptide, either by weight training or by an injection, will cause the affected area to respond by producing new muscle tissue. It would be safe to say that MGF presence in the muscle is one of the most major factors in the anabolic effect of resistance training (weight training).

MGF is highly anabolic, as regards both inducing satellite cell activation as well as promoting protein synthesis. MGF is very likely the most dominantly anabolic portion of the IGF-1 peptide, as demonstrated in rodent studies, where it produced a greater increase in muscle weight, over a shorter time as compared to IGF-1 alone. However, when IGF-1 and MGF are used together, they appear to act synergistically and promote rapid fat loss and new muscle growth. It is highly likely that using both of them together is the best possible combination of peptides for muscle growth and fat loss. MGF has not been shown to affect fat loss or strength in the same way that IGF-1 does, and IGF-1 has been shown in studies to produce less (although still impressive) muscle growth compared to MGF.

Currently, this compound is being used successfully by bodybuilders, for bringing up lagging body parts as well as overall growth. Results seem to be dose dependant and as previously stated, multiplied greatly when used concurrently with Lr3IGF-1.
(information in this thread gathered via the internet)