Anyone watch the Jets aka Bad News Bears last night? What a bumble fuck!


Staff member
I don't think I've ever seen one team look so God awful! Sanchez looked like a bitch missing handoffs and running into his own lineman and fumbling! You have to see it!

New England scored 3 touchdowns in 52 seconds!!!!
I don't think Tebow is the answer, but he's certainly going to be better than Sanchez at this point. I don't see Tebow in the NFL much longer, I can foresee him as a recruiter for Ohio State, but I'd still give him a shot since Mark is fucking the whole team up
Yep. I liked it when Sanchiz tried to put his head up his lineman's ass. They are horrible. And Clown Ryan is a joke.

lol, yeah he did, how the fuck do u fumble also? I mean it was the funniest things ive ever seen!