CIA Operation Merlin


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Operation Merlin is an alleged United States covert operation under the Clinton Administration to provide Iran with a flawed design for building a nuclear weapon in order to delay the alleged Iranian nuclear weapons.

In his book State of War, author and intelligence correspondent for The New York Times, James Risen claims that the CIA chose a defected Russian nuclear scientist to provide deliberately flawed nuclear warhead blueprints to Iranian officials in February 2000, Risen wrote in his book that President Clinton had approved the operation and that the Bush administration endorsed the plan.
[h=3]Backfire[/h] Operation Merlin backfired when the nervous Russian scientist noticed the flaws and pointed them out to the Iranians, hoping to enhance his credibility and to protect himself against retaliation by the Iranians, while still advancing what he thought was the CIA plan to use him as a double agent inside Iran. Instead, the book alleges, Operation Merlin may have accelerated Iran's nuclear program by providing useful information, once the flaws were identified, and the plans compared with other sources, such as those presumed to have been provided to the Iranians by A. Q. Khan.

So we provided them with the info, we also provided Russia and funded their Nuclear program.
so basically we tried to trick them by giving them crappy instructions but somebody noticed that gromit B didn't hold dowel pin 1a so they put it together faster? sounds about like the last thing I got from Ikea.