i want to weight loss?


New member
I tell be honest, I love food. I love all kinds of sweets, but I want to weight loss please give me weight loss food recipes.
Stay away from sweets and bread. Like the old saying goes..... You are what you eat. Eat super clean..... Lean meats like chicken and fish, study the glycemic index and find out which foods are high glycemic and stay far away from them. Stick with oatmeal, brown rice and sweet potatoes.

Plan your meals way in advance. Preferably a week in advance. This will keep you from making poor food choices.

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I still believe in the caloric deficit approach. If people want to lose weight, they need to eat less than they use on a daily basis. Considering you only mentioned weight loss and didn’t talk about wanting to gain muscle or get ripped, I think that you best approach is to limit your intake and really measure your food – learn what is in your food and how many calories each of your snacks and treats contains.