Dymethazine, superdrol and injectable masteron


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17beta-hydroxy 2alpha,17beta-dimethyl 5alpha-androstan 3-on azine

Dymethazine is an azine. It’s actually two superdrol molecules attached to each other by a nitrogen atom. Stomach acid separates the two superdrol molecules from each other, after which they happily make their way to the androgen receptors. Dymethazine is also known as mebalozine.

Masteron has to be injected. If you attach a methyl group to the seventeenth carbon atom of masteron you get orally available superdrol: an amazingly effective, but also dangerous steroid. Users build up strength and hard muscles, but complaints of liver problems abound.

the activity of superdrol, as reported by Vida. He compared its effect with that of methyltestosterone.

the effect of dymethazine. Vida injected it and compared the effects with those of testosterone. He also administered the steroid orally and then compared the effects with those of methyltestosterone. When taken orally the anabolic effect is 2.1 times that of methyltestosterone.

On the bodybuilding forums visitors compare the anabolic and androgenic effects of dymethazine with those of stanozolol or furazabol. Both steroids have identical anabolic and androgenic effects. But that’s too much of a good thing the effects of furazabol. The androgenic-anabolic effect ratio of furazabol - and therefore also of stanozolol - is better than that of dymethazine. So, if you have to choose between good old stanozolol or dymethazine, you know which to go for.

These data are not enough for us to be able to tell whether dymethazine is safe. If superdrol plays such havoc with the liver, then an azine of superdrol is likely to do the same. Neither are we reassured by dozens of studies carried out in the sixties in which humans were given dymethazine. In the sixties doctors had other ideas about the side effects of steroids than now.

And what’s more, it’s not certain whether dymethazine really is an ingredient in IForce’s Dymethazine. It wouldn’t be the first time that designer supplements manufacturers have made a mess of things.

And finally, we also looked up a less dangerous alternative to dymethazine in Vida’s book, one that works. That is in theory, according to Vida.

It’s the THP-ether of masteron. The risk of liver damage is less than with superdrol – and we reckon that it’s likely to cause less damage than dymethazine. The androgenic side effects are less.​