How long off should you take for a pulled muscle


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I pulled my trap about 11 weeks ago and it just wont get better, I took a few weeks off to begin with but couldn't stay outta the gym. We hit chest hard last Monday and its still hurting a week later. Fuck I hate being injured.
Nothing worse than a muscle injury, especially a neck injury, had pulled my trap 3 weeks ago, not too bad but it got better after a week, deep massage, heating pad, anti-inflammatory, lots of water. But it all depends on the degree to which it's injured,mine was pretty lite, hope it works out soon.
yeah i agree with getting a deep tissue massage for your pulled trap, loosen it up and get some blood flow to it which will speed the process of healing for sure
that sucks man, having to be out of the gym is a bummer, i pulled my ham like a year back dead lifting and thought i tore it because it got all swollen and purple, my doc had me take a month of legs and icy hot it all the time, the heat helps blood flow get back into.