Shoulder still a no go.


New member
Its been a few weeks since I hurt my shoulder. So I decided to do a little incline with just 30lb dumbbells just to get a burn and little pump. On the second rep my shoulder had a crunching sound and just gave and the pain set in. I'm going to start a igf therapy to see if can speed up the healing process and give 6 months. I guess I'm just gonna work legs and abs, hell my legs need the work, should have some good size on them in 6 months of working them 2 to 3 times a week.
Its been a few weeks since I hurt my shoulder. So I decided to do a little incline with just 30lb dumbbells just to get a burn and little pump. On the second rep my shoulder had a crunching sound and just gave and the pain set in. I'm going to start a igf therapy to see if can speed up the healing process and give 6 months. I guess I'm just gonna work legs and abs, hell my legs need the work, should have some good size on them in 6 months of working them 2 to 3 times a week.

sorry to hear that, and thats what i would do to bro, bang out legs, blow them stumps up, and when ur able and ready to hit the upper body again, im sure Muscle Memory will take right over regardless of a little atrophy, been there myself and blew right back up, its just a mind fuck for a while, good luck brutha!
A crunching sound is not a good thing. Do some stretching, starting out really easy. Also, do some light exercises for the rotator cuff. Give it plenty of time to heal up before you do any pressing or lateral raises.
I have a torn labrem in my R, torn rotator cuff in my L, and a torn tricep tendon in my left elbow.

Some things that have helped me are lots of joint supps, infrequent but intense training and mainly barbell work. Dumbells tend to hit the joints harder.

Also, play around with your grip width on barbells. This can help A TON! I can't bench more than 225 at the outer rings and can't super close grip (with fingers an a couple inches apart) more than 225 without super intense pain. But I can pause bench 405 with a medium grip (fingers about 2 inches outside the inner ring). I've been wanting to do a powerlifting meet at 181 or 198 for a while now, but thought it would be pointless with such a weak bench, until I discovered the strength I had at that very specific width. I'm so excited now that I'm working toward a goal.

Sorry for the story, but my main points are don't over train, take every joint supplement you can, and find the angle your shoulder can handle with a barbell. Hope this helps brother.
Happened to me long time ago. Never thought I would be able to BB bench again. I had to use machines that
wouldnt give me pain for chest. After about a year I decided to try light bench BB. No pain. You have to give
it time. (for me easier said then done) Also, I think if your hitting legs heavy and hard it seems to help you
keep size on upper body. Let up know how it works.