Phera P Plex


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Nomenclature: 17a-methyl 5a-androst-2-ene-17b-ol or 17a-methyl-etioallocholan-2-ene-17b-ol

Synonyms: Desoxymethyltestosterone, Madol, Phera-Plex, P-Plex

This long-forgotten steroid, patented in the 1960s but never commercialised legitimately, was rediscovered and distributed to athletes as part of the BALCO scandal. Structurally it is a 17a-methylated version of a naturally occurring pheromone (naturally occurring in elephants, that is), which is where it gets its name. Due to imperfect synthesis techniques (and the difficulty of separation), commercially available phera typically also contains a small amount of the 3-ene isomer. Some of phera's activity may be related to its metabolism in the body into dihydro-dihydroxy-desoxymethyltestosterone (pictured).

Moderately androgenic while being highly anabolic, this powerful drug delivers rapid size and strength increases and users often report a mild euphoria and heightened libido. Although it cannot aromatise, users may experience some bloating or water retention which may be diet related. Being methylated, liver health must be the main concern when contemplating cycle length and dosage, and I'd suggest 15mg - 45mg for four to six weeks, with the less experienced sticking to the lower end of the scale, followed by an appropriate PCT protocol.

This steroid became a class C controlled drug in the UK in Dec 09, making it illegal to sell (or possess in distribution quantities), and was scheduled in Jan 2010 in the US, making it illegal to sell or possess.