Bicep and Tricep Exercises with VIDEO for Proper Form.


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[h=2]HAND MUSCLE EXERCISES[/h]<iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" style="border-style: none; overflow: hidden; width: 450px; height: 24px;"></iframe>
[h=3]The upper arm muscle anatomy[/h]Biceps are triartikuliuotas, which means that it works in 3 joints. Key Features - supine forearm and elbow bend.

  1. The long head (outer)
  2. Short head (inner)
Triceps captures the elbow joint, where the work is to turn the forearm and hand muscles, for example.: when you write.Participates hand turn and raising movements.

First Long head - used for the shoulder and elbow movements.
2nd The side head - is used to sudden high-intensity movement.
third Inner head - is used to slower, more precise movements.

[h=3]Forearm muscle group[/h]

Forearm muscles surround the forearm bones. This is mainly the long muscles. Their Pilveliai is proximal, closer to the upper arm, and a long tendon runs to the fingers, and distal end of the forearm tightened considerably. Distinguish between the front and rear of the muscle groups.
The front group.
Front of hand and finger flexors and the muscles by turning the forearm to the inside.Distinction is made ​​between the surface and deep layers. The greater part of the flexor muscle attaches to the radius or metacarpal bone.

Posterior group.
posterior group of muscles in a straight palm and fingers, removes the thumb, forearm rotates outward. Distinction is made ​​between the surface and deep layers.

[h=3]Bicep Exercises[/h]
[h=4]Standing Barbell[/h]The main burden falls hamstrings upper arm. In addition, the strain on the deltoid muscle and the front of the forearm muscles (especially causal radial muscles).
Preparing to
stand up straight, take the barbell shoulder width apart.

Lift the barbell up until fully bend your hands, then let me down completely stretch out before them.

[h=4]Standing with a dumbbell[/h]The main burden falls hamstrings upper arm (median part of). In addition, the strain on the front deltoid and forearm muscles.
Preparing to
stand up straight, take two dumbbells

Lift one arm up to the shoulder and then again fully straighten, then lift the other arm.

Arm let down slowly, the weight of the inertia of the elbow is not popped up on the other side so they would not damage.

[h=4]Larry Scot with a barbell[/h]The main load of the exercise, have the lower part of the upper arm hamstrings (the elbow). Additionally burdened middle and upper hamstrings and upper arms and forearms muscles are muscles.
Preparing to
sit on spec. bench, hands and arms in place on the support, grasp a barbell shoulder width apart.

Bend your arms until they are almost vertical with your hand on the bearings, and then straighten them fully.

muscle is the most loaded when overtaking a hand from the starting position up to 90 degrees.

[h=4]Leaning against the knees[/h]The main load of the exercise, have the lower part of the upper arm hamstrings (the elbow). Additionally burdened middle and upper hamstrings and upper arms and forearms muscles are muscles.
Preparing to
Sit on the bench, Grab a dumbbell in one hand, elbow to rest the knees, the feet should be slightly wider prakėstos.

Lift the dumbbells up to your shoulder, then lower. Next, repeat the exercise with the other arm.

[h=4]Rope with one hand[/h]Preparing to
Stand against the machine with a rope from the bottom, pick up the blue (loop) on the one hand. The hand should rest against the side.

Bend the arm until it fully bends, and then let down until it is fully drawn out. Next, repeat the exercise with the other arm.

[h=3]Triceps Exercises[/h]
[h=4]Close Grip Bench Press[/h]The main load of the exercise lies triceps upper arm, over loading as the inner part (long head).Overloaded the front deltoid muscle and part of the forearm muscles.
Lie on a bench barbell narrowly captured ~ 20cm width apart, hold it above your chest.

Lift the barbell up until fully stretch out your hands (keep your elbows at your sides), and then return to the starting position.

[h=4]French pressure[/h]The main burden falls triceps upper arm.
Lie on a bench, grasp a barbell narrowly, and lift it over your head should be outstretched arm.

Let the barbell down by tilting your hands over your elbows when the barbell reaches nearly head slightly lift the arms to lower the barbell beautifully disturbing your head, then bend your hands until they are completely drawn out. It continues to repeat the exercise.

to stretch out their hands full barbell can be returned to its original position over the top of the breasts.Shoulders between reps may be different tilt inwards to release the tension in them.

[h=4]French pressure sitting[/h]The main burden falls triceps upper arm.
Preparing to
Sit on the bench (bench with backrest can be), hold the barbell or weight placed on the narrow and lift it over your head.

Let barbell / weight placed in the back by tilting your hands over your elbows should remain above your head, then lift the barbell / weight placed over the head until the arm is fully drawn out.

Let the weight bar pull back of the hand to maintain full shoulder ribs.

[h=4]Triceps sitting with one hand[/h]The main burden falls triceps upper arm.
Preparing to
Take the dumbbell to the lower neck, the elbow should be at the top.

raise the arm until it is fully extended, then return it to its original position.

can be the bench by a high back, let the dumbbells pull back of the hand to maintain full shoulder ribs.

[h=4]Ups on the bench[/h]The main burden falls triceps upper arm, chest and shoulder muscles on the front part. In addition, the strain on the chest and front shoulder muscles.
Preparing to
build ourselves two benches next to each other in about pusmetrį, put your hands on the edge of the bench, place your feet on a bench next edge, if there is a need you can get to the weight on the leg.

Let the body until it is fully drawn out or coccyx hit the ground, then get up until fully stretch out your hands.

[h=3]Forearm Exercises[/h]
[h=4]Folding Bench[/h]The main load is bending the forearm muscles.
Preparing to
Sit on the bench, a barbell captured about shoulder-width apart, forearms firmly cuddle at the feet, wrists, should be on the way.

Let the weight bar with palms to roll your finger, squeeze and lift the barbell wrists.

Keep your elbows at altitudes around the wrists to keep the resistance over the full amplitude of exercising.

[h=4]Bench construction[/h]The main burden gets tiesiamieji forearm muscles.
Atiseskite on the bench, a barbell captured about shoulder-width apart, forearms firmly cuddle at the feet, wrists, should be on the road.

Extend the wrist fully to 180 degrees, then nuleiskte down.

about Keep elbows wrist height to išlaykyti is resisted through the full exercise atlikomo amplitude.
