BCAA's More Important Then You Think! Tips for Training And Workout Days! Amino Acids


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BCAA amino acid consumption is quite simple, you just have to know some principles that you will know how much and when these amino acids consumed. Of course, you can use a blind or using the manufacturer's recommended schedule of administration, but in order to attain better exposure or intake exploit efficiently BCAA should be adapted to their diet, while taking into account the intensity of training and muscle recovery.
[h=3]BCAA use principles[/h]
  • BCAA take not only by growing muscle mass, but also burning fat. Burning fat BCAA help to preserve more muscle mass (if recovery is poor, fat burning muscle mass decreases);
  • BCAA use to be every day, because this muscle building material and the muscles recover and grow not only training days;
  • If your finances limited finances and can not afford to take BCAA's every day, then take only training days at a time in which these amino acids are most necessary: ​​before and after a workout, and before bed or between meals in the evening;
  • More intensively (more difficult) exercise, the greater the need for BCAA;
  • Do not take large doses of BCAAs at a time, preferably daily intake Divide into several parts and take different times.The optimum dose of 3 to 8 g, depending on your weight, the intensity of exercise, diet, and when you take the time, for example.: Before and after a workout BCAA need more than another, so that you can take higher doses and at different times - lower;
  • If your diet is very dominated by proteins derived from food and only a small part of the protein whey protein to collect (eg 20%) - you will need to consume more BCAA than in the case where part of your dietary protein intake from whey protein is higher (eg, 40 %). This is due to the fact that whey protein has a higher biological value - better influence muscle recovery.
[h=4]Training days[/h]BCAA is most needed during training, when experienced extreme physical stress. Consume serving BCAA 20-30min before your workout and immediately after the meal, and to ensure more effective protection of the lean muscle mass of the decay, faster recovery after exercise and less muscle fatigue during exercise. Also you can use in other ways, mixing and prieštreniruotinę potreniruotinę portions together, and all the while sipping a drink during the workout. Whichever way the calendar - the difference will not be exposed, so do so at your convenience, and most importantly soak up the required dose of BCAA at a time when you exercise.
Next in importance is time - time after a workout. Drink one serving of BCAA between meals or at night before going to bed.
On training days consume a total of 10 to 20 g of BCAA.
[h=4]Available on workout days[/h]There is still ongoing recovery and muscle growth, and muscle still needs building materials, and between them and the BCAA. Free Daily consume 2-3 servings of BCAAs in the morning and between meals. BCAA take the time, when the stomach is emptier - thus better assimilation. After you eat, you can BCAA 30min. Free Daily consume from 10 to 15 g of BCAA.
[h=4]How do I know how much I need to consume BCAA per day?[/h]Experiment: consume 10 grams of BCAAs to start a day and watch your recovery. If the recovery is significantly improved - great, 10 g BCAA you enough. If you feel that the recovery is still insufficient - Increase the dose to 15 grams a day and then watch their recovery.
You can also try to use praprastinta scheme, using 5 g over 30 kg of body weight per day. So if you weigh 60 kg - consume 10 grams per day. If you weigh 90 kg - consume 15 grams per day. Of course, only a small weight factor as the BCAA demand varies greatly from your training intensity and nutrition features, but it may still be a good benchmark to set the required quantity.
[h=3]Tips and observations[/h]
  • Whatever form BCAA is (liquid, powder, tablets, capsules) - effect is the same, the use of both capsules and powder and - you will need to consume the same amount of BCAA;
  • Liquid BCAAs - BCAAs neekonomiškiausia same form. Tablets and capsules - a little less expensive form. Powder - This is usually the cheapest form. So if your finances limit - buy BCAA powder form;
  • Liquid BCAA is exactly the same as BCAA powder, poured into water and dissolved, so when you purchase BCAA powder can to liquid. That is why buying liquid BCAA is uneconomical solution anyway;
  • Do not be fooled if you see the serving size of 10 grams or similar, it does not mean that both BCAA's there.before you buy BCAA, pay attention to the composition. If you buy the powder or liquid flavors with BCAA, then see how many% of the mixture consists of BCAAs (leucine, valine and Isoleucine combined). If 70% of the BCAA mixture, then taking in a 10g you get 7 grams of BCAAs. When you are taking capsules or tablets, look how much BCAA contains one capsule / tablet, and you can set it according to the number of pills per day, to drink;
  • There are products that have enhanced BCAA chemical composition (eg BCAA-ethyl-ester or BCAA-Alpha-Ketoglutarate). Atkreiptike out that you have a product consists of a simple BCAA, or improved composition. The most common use of the improved composition of BCAA several times at a lower dose, use only the time and the frequency remains the same.
  • BCAA can be used with all dietary supplements combined (protein Geiner, creatine, amino acid complexes, energy, etc.), do not take with food ;
  • BCAA can drink water or juice and drink only milk. Take a portion of at least 100 ml of fluid, larger quantity is not important - it is essential that during the day suvartotumėte enough fluids;
  • BCAA can use regularly, do not need breaks.
The article discussed consumed BCAA levels for those who are engaged in natural sports (ie not using steroids). Taking steroids BCAA demand is higher, as well as other nutrients.
These quantities are approximate, experiment and discover the amount that works best for you. Do not forget - BCAA consumption alone does not lead to a good recovery, if your diet is poor, because it is only a small part of your diet. For best results, it is important to align all good nutrition.
Studies have found that even the use of higher than 1 g / kg dose of BCAA, there is no toxicity. BCAA supplementation is safe, you can use larger quantities than specified, but do not forget to excess - more is not necessarily better.
Prepared by Paul KUDAKAS (EMEX