finasteride with dht derived steriods


New member
My question is this,

I am sensitive to dht, baldness, prostrate enlargement

If finasteride is used with compounds such as winstrol and masteron, will it negate the effect of the compound?
and minstrel is a metabolite of dht , and finesteride i believe stops conversion of say test to dht, so i don't think finesteride will do much good with minstrel brutha, but i could be wrong lol
What is minstrel bro? U mean winstrol right? I don't think winstrol or masteron convert to dht, but I know test does, and that shit is what causes oily skin, acne, prostate issues and
Causes the hair to fall out.
Lol yeah fucking iPhone spellcheck , why or what the hell minstrel is I have no idea lol
Finasteride helps with prostate enlargement too, that was its original purpose and its still used for that, hair loss is a spin off
OK, after sum research, I found my answer. Fina and propecia and the like, prevent the conversion to dht. If you inject dht or a derivative of it then it does not work. I still believe I could put some in my cycle to help the test I shoot from adding to the buildup of dht. But really, its only when I shoot high doses of test that I get bad sides......acne, hair loss, etc.
That's why I hate long ester test, enanthate, cypionate, decanoate-. Once you have shot a high dose, its too late, sides are there until its out of the system.