How will Deca and other Steroids affect Test blood work?


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I'm on TRT and am also on a deca/D-bol stack. My understanding is that Deca is a test derivative, do you think it will be picked up by a simple lab that tests for Total Test? Will that cause my total T to look on the high side? I would like to keep my lab numbers as low as possible so that I will get the highest dose possible from the doc. I'm required to have a lab every 4-8 weeks, so I'm looking to manage a stack along with the TRT that doesn't make the doc suspicious. What would u recommend I run?
I'm on TRT and am also on a deca/D-bol stack. My understanding is that Deca is a test derivative, do you think it will be picked up by a simple lab that tests for Total Test? Will that cause my total T to look on the high side? I would like to keep my lab numbers as low as possible so that I will get the highest dose possible from the doc. I'm required to have a lab every 4-8 weeks, so I'm looking to manage a stack along with the TRT that doesn't make the doc suspicious. What would u recommend I run?

you need to run short esters bro, thats all, so you can clear out the system as fast as possible, NPP maybe?
Yeah you are running one of the absolute worst compounds for being tested every 8 weeks. Takes forever to get in the system and forever to get out. You need propionates, acetates, and phenylpropionates,
Yeah you are running one of the absolute worst compounds for being tested every 8 weeks. Takes forever to get in the system and forever to get out. You need propionates, acetates, and phenylpropionates,

yeah Rays is dead right! A side note, i seen a story of a College Football player who juiced in and got popped on steroid test, and they banned him from playing and the Deca metabolite somehow got stuck PERMANANTLY in his fatty tissue and he keeps testing POSITIVE for steroids, years later and they keep banning him from playing year after year! Even though scientists have checked him out and said the Metabolite is somehow stuck in him and releasing the hormone for years now lol

So yeah Deca is a bad choice,
I'm on TRT and am also on a deca/D-bol stack. My understanding is that Deca is a test derivative, do you think it will be picked up by a simple lab that tests for Total Test? Will that cause my total T to look on the high side? I would like to keep my lab numbers as low as possible so that I will get the highest dose possible from the doc. I'm required to have a lab every 4-8 weeks, so I'm looking to manage a stack along with the TRT that doesn't make the doc suspicious. What would u recommend I run?

Yes it will be picked up. It will show elevated test levels

No, no, no. Deca is a nandrolone. It will not be picked up by a test for total testosterone. Deca metabolites have to be tested for specifically. Deca will actually lower a total T count as will tren.

Running a lab every 4-8 weeks is complete overkill. Normal blood tests are done for HRT every 6 months or 3 months (if needed). If your doc is testing that frequently, he is likely scamming insurance companies. It is simply not necessary to test that often. If your doc insists on testing that often, get another doc.
No, no, no. Deca is a nandrolone. It will not be picked up by a test for total testosterone. Deca metabolites have to be tested for specifically. Deca will actually lower a total T count as will tren.

Running a lab every 4-8 weeks is complete overkill. Normal blood tests are done for HRT every 6 months or 3 months (if needed). If your doc is testing that frequently, he is likely scamming insurance companies. It is simply not necessary to test that often. If your doc insists on testing that often, get another doc.

Agreed. This is spot on.
Pretty big difference of opinion. The reason for such frequent labs is to get my numbers dialed in, then the testing will be less frequent.