Subway healthy?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
The Subway Scam by stevesmi This is another article that is going to hurt a lot of people but I felt the need to write it anyway to show why Subway isn't a healthy place to eat. Being a huge NFL fan it really gets annoying knowing they are the official restaurant of the NFL and their commercials feature athletes and then say "the official restaurant of XYZ and athletes everywhere". Who do these guys think they are fooling? Apparently A LOT of people. The Jared commercials did an amazing job because the guy is just a normal guy who used to be morbidly obese and now is just a little fat and he seems to get a lot of women in the commercials so Subway must be good for you I guess. Lets not mention that he owns a bunch of Subway franchises or that in real life he doesn't exactly look like a well built guy. Marketing can do a lot of things, just look at political advertisements, and people fall for it hook line and sinker. Lets take a look though at their subs. Obviously the veggies are good for you but the bread, cheese, meats, oils, and condiments that are added to the sub are atrociously unhealthy. I doubt that the small amount of veggies in the sub are going to counter act everything else. if you look at the 'healthiest' bread for example which is the 9 grain wheat bread the fourth ingredient is high fructose corn syrup! I explain in a previous article about this ingredient and why it should be avoided. The reason it's in their bread is because it makes the bread taste good and its cheap! The cheese that subway uses they admit on their website is rennin based. This means either you are eating 'rennet' which is an enzyme from a baby calf's stomach or you are eating a genetically modified type of cheese. Either way this sounds disgusting to me! Most of the meat are cold cuts, lets not kid ourselves here the sodium content is through the roof. One slice of meat is about 80% of what should be your total sodium intake. The meats that aren't cold cuts are still packed full of preservatives and sodium anyway. The trick is this keep the meat from going bad allowing the restaurant to not lose money throwing away bad meat. The condiments and oils contain hydrogenated/soybean oils, again its about keeping these products from going bad. The bottom line is do not buy into the marketing, Subway isn't a good place to eat and if you eat there after your workout you are doing yourself a huge dis-service and taking a step back from reaching your fitness goals.
well a foot long goes a long way and it fills me up when im in need..yep preety bad stuff i would agree..but food on the run its better than mcDs and cheeper than a load a fried chicken and fries..

but most of the time im a chicken and fries kinda guy..
Yes do agree with that food on the we only have so many choices. I know we be prepair but in there so many curve balls your not gonna be ready. So subway is still one of the better choices.