Training when sick....

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I don't think I'm catching anything, I think it's this crazy ass weather, but my head has been throbbing and my chest feels constricted (probably from smoking and the change in weather).

I need to cut back on the cigarettes badly because I hate not being able to inhale deeply when I'm lifting. Not to mention my training partner bitches that my breath Co standby stinks when I exhale. But this is the first time in a while I can remember it really affecting my training. It was 80 degrees the other day now it's raining and 60 degrees with humidity like crazy. That would be the cause, but it was all I could do to lift a decent amount of weight today. Thank god for pre workouts because I don't think I could've gotten motivated otherwise.

Not training since Thursday played a factor too. For me it seems like if I take more than 2 days off in a row I just don't feel like lifting. It's crazy how easy it can be to become lazy, I guess that's the difference between us and regular Americans. We push to get in the gym and they push to find excuses not to go.
Hey Big, give vaping a try. I stopped smoking years ago with ecigs, but it was tough. I tried gum, patches, welbutrin, chantix, nothing worked for me until I finally found a decent ecig. Ecigs don't work for a lot of people, but over the last few years, vaping has really taken the market by storm and I've known a number of former smokers who've gotten off cigarettes for good by switching to vaping. (my wife included) she's going on a little over a year now without a smoke. You get a much better drag than a standard electronic cig, and with certain vape units, you can make the drag adjustable to as light or strong as you'd like. There are hundreds of different nicotine flavors to choose from and a number of strengths.
Worth a try bro. The wife uses the Lotus brand. Initial cost is about 40 bucks for the whole kit. (there are much more expensive brands out there, but this one works for a couple people I know) Then all you purchase after that is the liquid, which is between 6-9 bucks a bottle, and that should last you a week or two. You also have to replace the coil that heats the liquid every couple weeks. (less than 2 bucks for the coil)
Good luck man! Tough habit to break I know.

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Man there's no worse feeling than feeling constricted when you're trying to catch your breathe. Keep working at quitting bro.
There has been a lot of pollen this year, but smoking is not a bb'er's friend. I'd agree with CR6, try vaping instead.