The best way to use insulin as a supplement for gaining lean muscle


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
The best way to use insulin as a supplement for gaining lean muscle

[h=3]The best way to “use” insulin would be to correctly time carbohydrate ingestion to maximize the effects of endogenous insulin. Insulin is the most anabolic hormone in the body; meaning that it inhibits almost all systems of catabolism and stimulates almost all systems of anabolism.[/h]​
Given this, it would be wise to spike insulin following a demanding workout to minimize protein degradation and maximize synthesis, therefore maximizing protein accretion.
Carbohydrates should be coingested following resistance training at about a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein. 40-60 grams carbs and 20-30 grams protein would be a good ratio.
Following endurance training, the ratio should be about 4:1 carbs to protein.

Insulin also leads to lipogenesis, or fat formation, so intentional spiking of insulin should be limited.
A carb protein supplement should be taken both immediately after and 90-120 minutes following a training session in order to maximize training adaptations.

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I don't see the I.U.'s to Carbs ratio, so I will add what i think is the safest. 10 grams of carbs per 1 I.U. insulin. Thats how I did it anyhow! Worked well, however being a naturally lean guy all my life, i thought i could get away with cheating a little even though i read a ton on insulin use and how not to cheat and how to be strict with it, but i didn't listen and well it put a little layer of fat on my abs, which i didn't like and lesson learned! lol
I don't see the I.U.'s to Carbs ratio, so I will add what i think is the safest. 10 grams of carbs per 1 I.U. insulin. Thats how I did it anyhow! Worked well, however being a naturally lean guy all my life, i thought i could get away with cheating a little even though i read a ton on insulin use and how not to cheat and how to be strict with it, but i didn't listen and well it put a little layer of fat on my abs, which i didn't like and lesson learned! lol

Yes sir