Avramis Kyriakou Shredded as fuck amateur Mr Olympia bodybuilding


Staff member
This is the insane megabeast Avramis Kyriakou yesterday morning depleted and 99.8 kg @ Amateur Olympia .
Avramis Kyriakou is our Cyprus representer athlete at amateur Olympia and he is at his best condition Ever!!!
You have this bro!!

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My gf says she wants to butter his ass cause it looks like a pack of dinner rolls...smh
I need to train w/ him! (I was gonna say 'his ass' but given the pic well it implies something I'm not down w/ LMAO)
Holy hell!! That guy looks incredible! I'm really impressed with a lot of these European guys.
sorry but Europeans always look better to me, way more shredded and more aesthetic

I can't disagree with that. A lot of stunning physiques coming out of there. I'm sure it's a combo of their diets, culture, training philosophies, etc...