Front Wide-Grip Pulldowns


Musclechemistry Member
A great tool in creating a stand out thick back is wide-grip Pulldowns to the front. The Pulldown to the front is a basic movement that is essential to creating thick lats. Remember that ALL Basic exercise movements should never be left out of your exercise routine when creating sculpted bodies. Ok, back to Pulldowns to the Front. Hold on to a straight bar with an overhand grip, hands wider than shoulder width apart. Hang your arms straight down from the bar, then squeeze the shoulder blades together and pull down, pulling the bar close to yourself trying to get the bar to your chin or the top of your clavicle. Some individuals like taking the pull as far as the chest. It is not proper form but if you want to do this, knock yourself out. Now, as you pull the bar closer to yourself you should keep your lower back arched. At the bottom pull, pause for a split second and then bring the bar back into the starting position under control. No fast, jerky movements. I always tell people think that you are pulling your chest to the bar instead of trying to pull the bar to your chest. This will help you keep form.
If you are not able to pull the bar down by yourself then you can use a spotter. Now, if you need a spotter, then have them lightly grasp the bar and guide you through the movement. For advanced lifters you can increase the load on the stack by adding extra weight too. I’ve always done my pulldowns to the front for three to five sets and my reps range from six, eight or ten. You can also do pulldowns with an underhand grip or you can use a V-bar. Remember; bring your chest to the handle as you pull the bar down. Then there is also wide grip pullups if you want to get full back development. Get this, I saw a video for a University Strength program and they showed student-athletes doing a pull up and then handclap at the top and then re-griping the bar before they went back down. Now that’s athletic!

By Ramsey
Good advise on the form. I love wide grip pulldowns nothing makes my back grow better.
I do these but pull up on right side primarily then cross over at the top to the left and slowly go back down. Alternating each side. Its hard to explain but it gets you a really nice and quick pump!

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oh hang on now I should have read the entire post, got these mixed up with pull UPS lol smh :eek: still a good one though