Why Bodybuilders Should Cut Down On Salt


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Why Bodybuilders Should Cut Down On Salt

Posted by admin, on <time datetime="2014-04-27">27. April 2014</time>

<figure class="entry-image" style="margin: 2.625px 0px 15.8125px; padding: 0px; line-height: 0; color: rgb(115, 115, 115); font-family: Lato, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;">
</figure>Bodybuilders should cut down on salt intake

We need salt, and it occurs naturally in many of the foods we eat. However, there is no need to add any extra salt to your food, or to use salt tablets, even if you sweat a lot. There is evidence that cramp is caused by too much salt, rather than the lack of it, as so many people believe. Excessive salt increases the load on your kidneys and, if you don’t compensate by drinking enough fluids, you may find yourself becoming dehydrated.
Ways to cut down on salt in your diet:

- Cut down on salt gradually and your taste buds will adjust.
- Try using herbs and spices in your cooking (as we have done in many of our recipes). You will be amazed at how little salt your really need for flavor.
- Always taste your food before adding salt.
- Choose low-salt packaged foods (check label).