Advanced diet (Male) Part 1


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
</br> 1. One who is far on in time or course
</br> 2. One being beyond others in progress or ideas
</br> 3. One greatly developed beyond an initial stage
</br> 4. One who has surpassed the majority, who has built a large solidified base of muscle tissue
</br> You have mastered everything in your training and diet; you should now have a good understanding of how your body reacts to certain foods, what works, what doesnt, etc. You have put on a large amount of muscle mass in the past few years; thats right, the past FEW YEARS. Most all of you who use this diet will have needed to be training for at least a few years; as always there are exceptions, there are genetic freaks. However, and this cannot be stressed enough, MOST PEOPLE HAVE NO BUSINESS FOLLOWING THIS DIET! This diet is not for the average gym rat; it is not for someone who is looking to simply look good. This diet is for the serious bodybuilder, someone who either competes or who may not compete but chooses to acquire that same type of look. Second, even if you are a competitor or someone who simply wants to look like one, this does not mean this diet is for you. Many of you, if you follow a diet like this will simply get fat, unless you have enough muscle mass on your body and the genetics to handle such a large quantity of food. Keep in mind, by now you should have more muscle mass, therefore altering your metabolic rate, but for many it still wont be strong enough to handle such a diet.
</br> If you are to follow this diet, everything must be perfect, you need to be dead set on reaching your goals and dead serious about what youre doing to keep your physique progressing and not ending up gaining more fat then muscle.
</br> So who exactly is this diet for?
</br> 1. The hardcore competitor who already has a large amount of muscle on his frame and is still looking for new ways to add more.
</br> 2. The hardcore bodybuilder who may not compete but lives his life in the exact same was as a competitor, who is looking for new ways to add more size.
</br> 3. Someone who has a very good metabolism. It may not have been the best when they first started, but by changing their body composition over the past few years, they have improved it dramatically.
</br> 4. Someone who is looking to add a ton of size, but already has a larger then normal amount of quality size. Very important, you may be someone reading this right now who wishes to be huge, and thats fine. But if you dont already have some time in the saddle and some serious muscle on that frame, if you jump right into this diet, the odds are strong that youre going to get yourself into some serious trouble.
</br> When comparing the intermediate diet with the advanced diet, the first things youll notice is the food is pretty much the same; its the amount of food that has changed. Protein will remain relatively the same, maybe a slight increase for some, you should be carrying more muscle mass. Fats will remain constant, but it will be the carbs that are the big difference. Your ratios of the 3 major nutrients will remain relatively the same; in fact no matter how far you advance they should always remain relatively the same. Although carbs were a big difference between the beginners and intermediate plans, the difference here is even more so; along with some added items that simply give it just a little more fire.
</br> Youre going to have to use your best judgment. But one thing is for certain, from the four points listed above, if you dont fall into those categories, then this diet is not for you. Its important to remember, everyone is different, and no ones body has the exact same reaction to a certain diet. However, there are key principles that apply to everyone, nutrients do not change from person to person, a carb is a carb for you just as it is your training partner; but its the manner in which our body processes these nutrients that affect all of us differently. As everyone is different, there are key points to consider that can help you determine if you are in fact ready for the Advanced level diet.
</br> Q: Have you gained a lot of excess body fat? Do you put on excess body fat very easily?
</br> A: If so, this diet is not for you.
</br> Q: Perhaps you dont gain body fat very easily, yet you have managed to pile on a little more then you should have, should you use this diet? Experience
</br> A: If you are over 15% body fat then this diet is not for you. Try to get yourself under 15%, lets shoot for somewhere in the 12% or even lower range, 8%-10% being more like it. You may very well be chomping at the bit to move to the advanced diet, but learn to be patient; it will pay off far greater for you in the long run.
</br> Q: Are you relatively lean, have gains begun to slow down, are they becoming increasingly difficult?
</br> A: If you are lean, 12% or under, if your progress has slowed down and the gains are becoming difficult, then this diet is for you.
</br> *Its that simple, if you can answer NO to the first question and YES to the last two and you have mastered the 5 Points discussed in the beginners training outline, then you are in fact ready for the diet to follow.
</br> ***Note: This diet is designed assuming all things are perfect. Assuming that the individual who will use this diet is following all guidelines perfectly, is in perfect health, has had a positive genetic response to the beginner diet, and is not someone who suffers from some type of metabolic disorder. If the individual is someone who recently lost a lot of weight using the beginner diet from or any other diet, they should not jump immediately to this diet. They should hold their new weight for an extended amount of time; 8 weeks minimum. If this person does not, he will indeed gain a massive amount of body fat very quickly