Need help with gaining weight


New member
Hi my name is Mac and i am 21 5' 8" and have been lifting for 3 years off and on. My problem is that no matter what i do or eat i can never gain weight. the most weight i have ever gain is 5 pounds which isn't much when you weigh 125-130 pounds. I have tried protein shakes for a year straight and hardly gain anything. I am really sick of looking like a toothpick and sweeting my ass off for nothing. My goal is to weigh 160 by next year. So i am giving up on trying to gain my weight naturally and want to try steroids but i do not know about them or what i am doing. I do not know where to buy them, what to take, ho much to take, or anything about them. So I am really counting on you guys to help me put some weight on this year.
Thank you
welcome to MC and we can't tell you where to buy steroids, nor are you allowed to ask for a source here, just stick around, read, learn and you will surely put some weight on through great advice and experience.

Have you tried creatine bro, i love creatine, and theirs also loads of pro-hormones out there as well to try legally!
The key is calories in vs. calories out. Protein shakes dont have shit for calories. You need to get some Mass or weight gainer. You need to eat 4-6 SOLID meals with real food a day. Then throw in 2 servings of the Mass Gainer in between your meals. The key is getting in calories! Just experiment until you find a number that works. Start at 4,000 cals a day and if after a week you have gained no weight go up to 5,000. This would be number 1, but if you want even more a test/deca or test/dbol cycle.
agreed, and even just a simple testosterone enanthate or cypionate cycle at 200mg per week for 10 weeks will put a ton of weight on your frame bro!
First off like Presser said, no one here is selling or giving you steroids. We know nothing about your diet or how you train, you just want to be 160lbs, Well...You need to eat, eat, eat, eat and then.... Yeah, eat some more. Protein shakes are great but they are called "Supplements" you need real food, milk by the gallon, bread, pastas, beef and lean meats, eggs, lots of water, just basics. What type of weight training do you do? You work biceps, or triceps as a group? Traps, wrist curls, abs???? Or do you do Squats, Dead Lifts, Tbar Rows, Flat Bench? Help us help you bro, lots of people want to be big, easy to say, not easy to acheive.
Dont ever give up on trying to gain weight naturally! whenever i hear someone say they "eat all day and cant gain weight" which is my bread and butter working in the fitness industry 99.99% of the time they are not trying hard enough. I come from the same stock as you buddy trust me. I am almost 6 ft and weighed about 150 soaking wet! during my last bulk i climbed NATURALLY to 230(given i couldn't see my junk...of course its not very pronounced as it is) but i still got there. i was eating 8 times a day 7500 calories, woke up in the middle of the night to eat had 5 whole meals a day and had two mass gainers a day each over 1000 calories each. Trust me i know EXACTLY how it is to only gain one pound a month. the best thing i ever did was track my calories. do your body weight time either 35 -40(id say 40 in all honesty) shove that many calories in your mouth a day so 5400 calories, try to aim for 800-900grams of carbs a day if not more, this will make your body more capable of storage from what ive noticed and youll also feel alot better through the day.
I get really upset seeing guys give up on themselves and try to turn to a quick outlet.
you have to understand one thing especially as a natural which i noticed over the years, its always better to stay natural and learn about gear, so when you get where you want naturally you already have more knowledge then most about gear. its funny when i was natural i knew loads more about gear then most of the guys on gear around me. and guys on gear had no idea about doing anything naturally. plus being natural you get the opportunity to understand your body and how it work rather then slamming gear in and not knowing what your body needs.
Think about it this way is the best athlete the biggest guy on the field or is the biggest, smartest guy on the field.
dont give up buddy! if you have any question about anything man id love to help you out!
I'm like u I'm 6'2 and I was 145-165 my whole life but when I'm using ill hit 185-210 I can eat everything anytime I want and I don't put on the lbs but when I use test with anadrol 50mg every other day or dbal 50mg test 400 work the best for me to put on the lbs with in 10 day I see the lbs packing on the arms n legs getting hard but that's me and can take something else and it will work for u good and suck for me its all about ur body ur diet n ur workout