The Benefits of Vegan Protein and Supplements


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There was a time, not long ago, when the thought of a vegan bodybuilder or endurance athlete was well…laughable. However, times are changing and our mindset in regards to the vegan athlete is evolving rapidly. As more and more athletes become aware of the health and sustainability benefits of a vegan diet, the more evidence there is that maintaining a vegan lifestyle and performing at the top of your game is possible.
Cardiovascular Health
Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of fatalities worldwide, and heart disease kills more Americans than cancer or any other illness. Plant-based diets tend to be low in cholesterol and saturated fats, improving heart health and overall well-being. When our cardiovascular systems are firing on all cylinders, we have quicker recovery times and prolonged endurance. Switching from an animal-based protein to a vegan protein powder may be beneficial for anyone who is looking to increase cardiovascular health and lower cholesterol.
Improved Digestion
One of the main benefits of switching to a plant-based diet is that fruits and vegetables are loaded with healthy fibers that naturally improve digestion. Healthy digestion is essential for any athlete who wants to see improved results in the gym, as it’s hard to maximize workouts while feeling bloated. Poor digestion also leads to poor immune function, fatigue, and disease. Make sure that when eating fruits you are not combining them with other foods, and are waiting at least an hour after a meal to ingest fruit for optimal digestive health.
Improved Joint Health
Switching to a plant-based diet can help improve joint mobility and has even been shown to help reduce the effects of arthritis. Certain dairy and meat products have been shown to cause swelling and inflammation. Any serious athlete who has tried to train while dealing with inflammation knows how truly detrimental pain and discomfort can be to achieve fitness goals. The information is clear – reducing meat and dairy intake can lead to increased mobility.
While sustainability doesn’t play into the nutritional aspects of bodybuilding or weight training, it certainly plays a large role in being an educated consumer. Large-scale animal agriculture is one of the most serious environmental issues that we are currently facing, and switching to a plant-based diet can help combat the negative impacts of industrial agriculture. It might be hard to comprehend the effects of large scale animal agriculture, especially when we are looking for quick gains in the gym, but think of it this way… when the planet is healthy we are healthy. Switching to a vegan protein powder can be an easy and convenient way to increase your sustainability efforts.
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im not a fan of vegan diets... you trade one evil for the other.. vegans end up lacking some important nutrients

and this whole cholesterol saturated fat thing being bad for you is crap... things are to be done in moderation..

you need cholesterol.. you need saturated fats.. your body uses both for its processes..
It is really important to have a balanced diet, that's why I consider my self a carnitarian (carnivore and vegetarian).

Good read PUMPED!
I like meat too much to be vegan and most vegan have a high soy and soy don't like each other.

If it works for you great, there are some really healthy aspect to the diet. It just hate the 'holier than thou attitude" some of them have.