January cycle,sponsored by pct-shop


Well I'm 38 6'3" 235 13% body fat maybe less
I'm doing my favorite stack
I'm running
Test 750 mg
Tren 500 mg
Masteron 600 mg
I just finished week 5 SD
Week 1-4 20 mg and 30 last week
Very dry and clean gains strongest and favorite oral.
I started with a fast ester mix 2 pharamacon
And slowly altered to slow esters.
I was on imporium,blackstar,and trulabs,also stealth gear.
I am now going to switch to pct-shop,they have gave me the honor of sponsoring my cycle.
Here are some week 3 pics
week 5 of pct-shop gear or week 5 from when you started your cycle with the s-drol and pharmacom gear ?

Week five from cycle,but I will enough time to run pct shop to get blood work.

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Just killed stone ground oats and egg whites ,need energy for arm day.
They asked three questions before I donated about steroids one was do you take clinic prescribed steroids.uh nooooo.lmao
How did you find the superdrol? My understanding is that it blows you up but once you come off your more or less back to where you started so the gains aren't quality ?
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I was doing 5 plates front and 4 back leg curls.I have bad knees so I hit 225 20 reps squats and 140 sitting calf raises and 185 standing.
Well I hung a shit load of drywall today so I was beet.pinned and went at the last.4 plates on seated hammer rows 15 reps 6 sets
Bent over rows 4.5 plates 12 reps 7 sets
4 plates wide grip pull downs and some traps and peek biceps .nothing major I am beeeet.....