Getting the best!!!!!!!!


New member
Well we all want the best of which we can be , not only in the gym yet in life to. Have kids never let go for they grow up so fast!! I have a 19,21, and 22 year old daughter's. All super smart and it is sad in many ways, yet we are here to talk about hitting the gym, hard and harder each and every time you do a workout, now I do heavy workouts three weeks in a month's period. Then I, on about the mid or well it will be half (last) part of the second week finish strong with very high intensity , one minute break and go tons of light weight yet very high and tons of reps. To extreme and to failure. Then 3rd week hit it strong and hard to failure. So and don't give up it is very hard and then half way through. This will be just like the half of the workout on number two day. For 3rd day do legs and calves really have good technique, also on each day you workout you need to hit your core muscles traps, ,deadlifts ,Romanian deadkifts, captain chair and when you do these legs straight out and hold to failure three sets till failure. Finally crunches and do as many as you can to failure 3 sets again roller crunches 100 forward 100 to left and 100 to right. Now you need to do these in sequence do them one set at a time and so on til you get all 3 sets done , sorry about the going on with this yet you are all family and I wanted to share , please respond with any ideas or things I might need to improve on, thanks
im sorry man, i dont see a question in there anywhere, its one big run on sentence and all over the place lmao

whats the question?