what to use for mixing raw HGH powder


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what to use for mixing raw HGH powder, non lyophilized

what can i use to mix raw HGH powder, non lyophilised powder. i have read you can not use BA 1%, you can use sterile water. but with sterile water it stays good only 24 hours.

is there anything i can mix raw HGH with for subQ injection in which the HGH stays ok for 10 days?

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^ ^ ^ that is the usual choice, but you can also reconstitute with b12. I've used that with much success in past cycles.
bacteristatic water is BA water right? i have heard that the raw non-lyophilised HGH can not be mixed with BA water... any input?

keep in mind i am talking about the raw powder HGH, not the stuff that is in the small glass vials as 8iu/10iu etc.
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hi yesidont;
do you have any idea how long the raw HGH powder will take before to degenerate in NaCL water?
Hmm.. didn't see it was NON-lyophilized powder, and I notice you've asked this exact same question on a number of boards. From everything that I know, you should be reconstituting it from lyophilized powder. If you have raw powder, you're already taking a chance with it degrading in that form since lyophilization removes moisture, protects it, and enables you to store it at room temperature. With the raw (let alone regular lyophilized powder), there's just no way to protect it from degrading quickly once you add anything to it. You're essentially asking someone to come up with a new way to chemically stabilize raw HGH, something that even an experienced chemist is going to have a hard time figuring out. I doubt any of us is going to come up with a method on the fly any better.
hi big z,

yes i asked the question on several boards :) that was because it seemed no one could answer the question. thanks for your input. i think you understand why i would like to have an answer on this question because if i would be able to inject raw non lyophilised hgh powder i would be able to pay only $0.35/iu for high quality 99,9% purity hgh!

i asked several producers of the HGH this question also and they say the lyophilisation process is only to make it sterile and vacuum pack. so they can comply with pharma regulations regarding the sterility of their products. when that would be the case i thought well for myself it might not realy matter if it is not totally sterile because i inject subq. i have heard of some less quality HGH being sold where the producers also dont vacuum pack the vials and then it is actually also not sterile.

but you say its not only for sterility reasons but also for degrading purposes. so you think there is no way to be able to use raw hgh powder, without it being lyophilised, for personal use? that would be a real bummer!!!

and when you talk about degrading would you have any idea % and time wise how this degrading would appear? i mean suppose you mix the raw powder with NaCL 1%, how much would be degraded after 24hrs, how much after 72 hrs, how much after 1 week, how much after 10 days? i mean insulin only degrades a few % at room temp over 30 days, so if it would only like degrade 10% over a time of 10 days then still $0.35/iu would be a very good price!

any more thoughts about this?

thanks for your input