Million Dollar Matchmaker: The ‘super-bitch’ bikini bodybuilder and the playboy chef Sonya Bright


Nose stuck too far in the air.

On Million Dollar Matchmaker tonight, Patti Stanger tries to find love for a playboy chef and a woman she brands a big-time bitch — but it ain’t gonna be easy.
Enter Sonya Bright, a millionaire “ice queen” who splits her time between Philadelphia and New York City and has never travelled on public transport in her life.
Why? Because she thinks it’s “filthy”.
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Sonya Bright @thesonyabright

View image on Twitter2nd place in #MastersBikini at the #southjerseychampionships@NPCNewsOnline#npcbikini
8:49 PM - 13 Jun 2016

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</twitterwidget>Sonya tells Million Dollar Matchmaker: “I think people can be intimidated by my success.”
On tonight’s episode, Patti shows a group of potential male matches a video of Sonya’s first interview — and it’s quickly evident she’s going to be a handful.
She says: “My name is Sonya Bright, I split my time between Philadelphia and New York City. I’ve vacationed all over the world. You name it, I’ve been every place but Japan and Australia.
“I live a very privileged life. I’m not the kind of girl that you’re going to find flying in coach…ever.”
She adds, much the men’s bemusement: “I’ve never taken public transportation in my life; I think it’s filthy. My idea of roughing it is technically the Four Seasons.”
But has anyone got what it takes to handle her?
Sonya then takes part in a focus group where she reads cards with things written about her, including one which says: “I feel like she is overcompensating for deep-seated insecurities. She might be too far gone to rescue.”
Later when Patti pulls her up over not focusing on the task at hand, Sonya has a dig at her for getting the time wrong.
But Patti says: “Are you going to fuck with me? Because you talk to me like this…this is why you’re single.”
Patti adds: “She’s rejecting men because she’s afraid she’s going to be the one rejected…because she’s a bitch.”
Patti tells her: “Nobody is ever going to love you.” To which Sonya responds: “Suck my ass.”
Meanwhile, also on tonight’s Season 1, Episode 7 of Million Dollar Matchmaker, Patti gives playboy celebrity chef Roblé Ali a roasting over his inability to commit.
Roble, who starred on the Bravo show Chef Roble and Co, admits as the episode starts: “I need Patti’s help because I’ve been dating but nothing seems to stick.”
But will she be able to hook him up with someone who he can be with for good?
I don't normally watch this show, but I crave anything having to do with fitness/female competitors on tv (which is a rare find) so I had to check out this episode. OMG... this girl Sonya is so stuck up and snobby! She's clearly beautiful as you can see in her pic, but her personality ruins it IMO. I didn't even finish the episode, but hopefully she was given a reality check and finds love... I guess.
I don't normally watch this show, but I crave anything having to do with fitness/female competitors on tv (which is a rare find) so I had to check out this episode. OMG... this girl Sonya is so stuck up and snobby! She's clearly beautiful as you can see in her pic, but her personality ruins it IMO. I didn't even finish the episode, but hopefully she was given a reality check and finds love... I guess.
It is tough finding anything related to this thing we love on tv. Even Fit TV is all infomercials.