Where is the "weirdest" place you've ever masturbated?


Where is it?

For me, in a car while driving.

For one of my good friends...

We were in Brookstone (a store with lots of gift-type items), and at the very front where people come in and out from there are these massagers. He and I tested the ones they had out. I was using it on my back and arms. My boy was using it on his legs...I saw him go towards his crotch. I said, "WTF are you doing man?" He said, "C'Mon man, dont be stupid, it just feels good." I left him to his business and about 5 minutes or so later he came and got me from the golf stuff.

Like 8 months later when we were drinking together he admitted that he busted a nut. He said some guy was watching him while he was at the point of no return. What disgusted me the most was that he walked around the rest of the day with his nutty draws!
It was during a high school football game & several of my friends were standing behind an advertising banner which ran across the fence dividing the track from the football field.
The banner covered our lower halves so it appeared that we were just a bunch of silly girls laughing & screaming at the players on the field..
Sachet, were you all doing it ? or just you ?

for me hmmmm prolly at work just had to go at it I worked in a security room all alone no one to catch me !
At work many a time... not just in the bathroom, but sitting behind my desk, with a secretary in the same room.

On airplanes in the bathroom, when I couldn't get anyone to join me...

driving in the car... but I couldn't go to climax.

In the back room at Domino's Pizza when I was 18 and worked there. (no... no special sauce went into the pizzas that night)

and the absolute worst... (i know I'll get flamed for this):

When I was 19, I was a tutor an attendant for a kid with cerebral palsy (He was 13 at the time). Being 19, I used to get stiffies all the time for no reason... So... while he was typing away on his PC doing his homework, I went into his closet to take care of the hard on which just wouldn't go away.

Bad thing is, his father (my boss) walked in. I was able to cover up pretty quick, and I'm sure he didn't see. But he did comment that it was odd that I had closed the door to put the kid's clothes away (walk in closet by the way).

Anyway... obviously I didn't make it to climax then either... but it was a close call.

Office at the front desk- while having phone sex..

At the gym- while closing up..

In my neighbors swimming pool- late one night hahah
No weird or unusual places for me, but in high school a friend of mine nutted in a kids football helmet he didn't like.
well dont have very many weird places...tanning beds(something bout those damn things,lol) and the sauna...all i can think of now,LOL

lol, when I was young I had this cabin in the bush (well, more like a shack), and I kept a pretty good collection of porno mags in there...
good times...
In the Library reading a naughty book. This is in the isle mine you.

Once I also did it on the bus. Greyhound. Lots of people on it to.
I did the five knuckle shuffle with the ole captain on my last day of high school.

Now they can't say I never left them anything.
don't know if its weird, but in a hot tub in the mountains. it was late nobody around. plus those jets feel good
wanking in the bathroom doesn't make you a member, but I already have membership in that club. Singapore Airlines bathroom with my girlfriend somewhere over the Philippines... and the cabin crew applauded after we were done...
I masturbate whenever and wherever I can, so no matter where you have done it, chances are I'll kick your chicken choking ass one of these days