Personal Chef


New member
I'm checking out the option of hiring myself a personal chef.  The one that I'm emailing back and forth with mentioned she also cooks for Atkin's type diets.

Has anyone ever had a chef prepare food for you while on strict diets?  It's got to be better than the selection I eat - KFC Chicken breasts, salads - heavy on eggs, cheese, light on carbs, and omelets at IHOP.  That's about the extent of my diet when doing the low-carb routine.

Oh, and if any of you are interested, hiring a personal chef is pretty easy.  I went to a website and listed my area and four were available.  The one I'm talking to charges $295 for 2 weeks worth of food for two people, though I think I'll eat that up in about 10 days all by myself.
I wish I could hire a personal chef.....I'm Presser's Personal Chef and even though I love to cook---that shit gets old--plus it would be nice for someone to cook for me for a change..LOL!!!! (hint hint) :)
hmmm...i guess u got some cash to burn...get a gf that will cook for would b nice but not worth the money.
It's only about $600 per month, and that includes the food.  It will probably be about $800 a month for me, but I eat out every meal anyway, so I bet I spend that already, and not for gourmet meals!  I think if people can afford gear, the supplements, protein, clomid, etc., they can probably rearrange their cycles a little and find time for a personal chef.

Besides, I found a catering place that will drop off the food for about $50 per week for ten meals, at least I think that's the arrangement.  You can't beat that!
personal chef  that would  be cool if i could afford it

hey small how  much would you charge to be a personal chef LOL