Today Student are NOT Allowed to wear American Shirts to school!


Staff member
Yep, out in California, Students are Not Allowed to wear any shirts or clothing with the American Flag on them due to today Bieng Cinqo De Mayo

This went to court last last and the courts even ruled the school administration was in the right when the prohibited students from wearing American flags and colors on Cinqo De Mayo, as to not insight violence from the Mexican students today.

This is you America guys! It has gone to hell in a hand basket!, let me get this right. You can't prevent your Mexican students from becoming violent when *Americans* wear the *American* flag, in the USA, because it's Cinqo de Mayo? Instead of basically saying - this is the USA, we have the right to have the flag, and if you don't behave you'll be punished as would anyone else who is violent, you are banning the *other* people from doing it because *maybe* someone will get upset?


Typical Bureaucratic decision.

Someone should point to the courts they just institutionalized racism - they are claiming that Mexicans can't control their emotions and wearing the US flag in front of them, *in the US* will make them react violently - kind of like a red cape to a bull. So, Mexicans aren't thinking human beings, they are just animals that react to stimulus. That *is* what their ruling just claimed, as far as I can tell. I've never seen a prohibition about wearing the confederate flag, even though Americans were killing each other over that not so long ago.

Are they taking the Amercian flag down from the flagpole, so as to not offend someone? If they still say it every day, do they *not* say the Pledge of Allegiance today so as to not offend someone? The people fighting this need to get more creative lawyers who can point out how *stupid* the decision is.

Doctor9, let me get this right. You can't prevent your Mexican students from becoming violent when *Americans* wear the *American* flag, in the USA, because it's Cinqo de Mayo? Instead of basically saying - this is the USA, we have the right to have the flag, and if you don't behave you'll be punished as would anyone else who is violent, you are banning the *other* people from doing it because *maybe* someone will get upset?


Typical Bureaucratic decision.

Someone should point to the courts they just institutionalized racism - they are claiming that Mexicans can't control their emotions and wearing the US flag in front of them, *in the US* will make them react violently - kind of like a red cape to a bull. So, Mexicans aren't thinking human beings, they are just animals that react to stimulus. That *is* what their ruling just claimed, as far as I can tell. I've never seen a prohibition about wearing the confederate flag, even though Americans were killing each other over that not so long ago.

Are they taking the Amercian flag down from the flagpole, so as to not offend someone? If they still say it every day, do they *not* say the Pledge of Allegiance today so as to not offend someone? The people fighting this need to get more creative lawyers who can point out how *stupid* the decision is.


lol, bro it went before local and then state court i believe ruled in favor of the School admin banning kids from wearing Flags on this day! Its really fucking sad!
Fuck Cinqo De Mayo. Why do we even mention it. The radio was talking about it the whole week leading up to the day. This crap drives me crazy when all we do is bend over backwards for immigrants. Thats not equal. If the Mexicans can't keep their knives in their holsters then maybe they shouldn't be here.
I live in Cali, and this just pisses me off. Wearing US colors is a form of freedom of speach. What the fuck is happening to our Constitutional rights?
guess it's time to mount the flag on the truck and drive to school with it for those students who cant wear a t-shirt
i just seen a story on how the government is buying up all the ammo lol
If I were a student out here in Cali I would walk around waving a BIG American Flag on Cinco de Mayo day. Hey, its not clothing, right?
If I were a student out here in Cali I would walk around waving a BIG American Flag on Cinco de Mayo day. Hey, its not clothing, right?

bro i watched the video when people heard about this all these vets and patriots came ut to the school to stand out there with their American Flags and protest peacefully, and this little piece of shit wetback girl starts screaming at an old man (vet) in his wheelchair and rips the flag out of his hands , shit burned me up like u don't know!

The video is out there somewhere, i say round them all up, and send them back, fuck amnesty