No idea what to buy the wife this year. Hate this last minute shit!


Staff member
So i haven't even started my christmas shopping for the wife, lol, no idea what to buy her. Last year i went a little nuts, and this year I'm plum out of ideas lol,

what kinds of things have you guys got your wife's, or are you getting them?

what is the can't go wrong gift idea ?
well at this point you cant risk shipping something that may not make it in time, and everything in stores are picked over or you have to fight the crowds. Get her a weekend getaway for the 2 of you somewhere, make the reservation online and put the confirmation in an envelope under the tree
I got mine a pair of slippers and a pistol. Probably my worst idea ever considering she is crazy and bi polar.
Yep if she is like my wife u just gave her slippers to chase u across the frozen lawn with the pistol u just got her without her feet being cold while ur barefoot and she can run faster because her toes are freezing. Lmao but my wife is Native American
Very tough right now. Sure enough everything is picked over. I'm looking for some ear rings for my wife and a couple bra's. Going out again tomorrow
well at this point you cant risk shipping something that may not make it in time, and everything in stores are picked over or you have to fight the crowds. Get her a weekend getaway for the 2 of you somewhere, make the reservation online and put the confirmation in an envelope under the tree
Depends on the type of woman you have, does she like things or event to remember. My wife like events to remember, and she like shit I hate like ballet/ nut cracker.
I have been giving my wife the same thing every year for the last 19 years and 15 of it being married! Paying the house payment, her car payment, health insurance, and all the bills every month. lol
well at this point you cant risk shipping something that may not make it in time, and everything in stores are picked over or you have to fight the crowds. Get her a weekend getaway for the 2 of you somewhere, make the reservation online and put the confirmation in an envelope under the tree

bro, my wife ordered the twins a set of scooters and a couple other things last week, paid for overnight express shipping, and she just got an email yesterday that the delivery date is now the day after christmas lmao, I told her not to order online, as i ship orders for a living and knew there were holiday delays starting 2 weeks ago, anyhow, we went out and bought the kids everything fem toys r us last night since a couple of their bigger gifts weren't going to be here for christmas,

the shit was due this past saturday, and it now won't be here til next saturday lol, wtf!

As for the wife, i still haven't begun her shopping yet lol, i always go the last few days before christmas, but usually know what I'm buying, this tme thigh not a clue, i think I'm gonna get her some new black combat looking boots, a laptop and camera and some cloths, fuck i hate this shopping shit lol
I have been giving my wife the same thing every year for the last 19 years and 15 of it being married! Paying the house payment, her car payment, health insurance, and all the bills every month. lol

so basically you'll be giving her a christmas card with "payed in full" receipts in it, your such a romantic, why didn't i think of that lmao
My wife is the most difficult person to shop for.. She has returned over half the shit I have bought her.. Walked into Louis vioutton and bought her 2k worth of shit for her bday.. She returns 1500 worth of stuff because she doesn't like it.. Walked into the store next door and bought a 300 dollar purse..

Seriously how the hell am I supposed to know you'll like a 300 dollar purse when the rest of the world wants Lv
My wife is the most difficult person to shop for.. She has returned over half the shit I have bought her.. Walked into Louis vioutton and bought her 2k worth of shit for her bday.. She returns 1500 worth of stuff because she doesn't like it.. Walked into the store next door and bought a 300 dollar purse..

Seriously how the hell am I supposed to know you'll like a 300 dollar purse when the rest of the world wants Lv

lol, my biggest problem i guess would be my wife gets mad when i tell her or she knows i spent a lot on something lol, i guess thats a good thing though.

case in point, i had to tell her I only pad the landscaper $150 to clean up our leaves, when in reality it was $200, cause she will go ape shit lol,

as for your wife returning stuff, well thats the sign of a good strong relationship i would surmise lol, beats her not wanting it but keeping and not using it just so she doesn't hurt your feelings lmao,
My wife is the most difficult person to shop for.. She has returned over half the shit I have bought her.. Walked into Louis vioutton and bought her 2k worth of shit for her bday.. She returns 1500 worth of stuff because she doesn't like it.. Walked into the store next door and bought a 300 dollar purse..

Seriously how the hell am I supposed to know you'll like a 300 dollar purse when the rest of the world wants Lv

and my wife gets mad when I can't read her mind; like this kind of stuff is so obvious. If I press her on it, no please break this whole thing down and explain to me how I was supposed to know this..................All I get is "Asshole"; one thing to learn for the younger guys is YOU CAN'T WIN.

Learn to just shrug your sholders and go "huh".
and my wife gets mad when I can't read her mind; like this kind of stuff is so obvious. If I press her on it, no please break this whole thing down and explain to me how I was supposed to know this..................All I get is "Asshole"; one thing to learn for the younger guys is YOU CAN'T WIN.

Learn to just shrug your sholders and go "huh".

thats too funny man , must be a women thing, my wife will start talking about something out of the fucking blue, and expect me to know what she is talking about, as if I'm in her fucking head, lol, this is actually one of the things we argue about, cause i get so frustrated and then she gets mad or embarrassed cause she knows I'm right and it just goes no where lmao

out of the blue she will just say shit like this:

wife "I really think we should get the red one"

me "huh"

Wife " the red one"

me "what the fuck are you talking about"

wife " the babies scooter"

me "we talked about that a month ago, how in the hell am i suppose to know that is what you were talking about"

wife 'your such an asshole"

sorry i couldn't resist the play by play
so my wife literally just texts me, that another toy she bought online just sent her an email apologizing for the delay of shipment and that if we don't get it by January 21st they will refund us , lol, Jauary 21st lmao, it was another christmas gift she ordered for my daughter, lol, unreal. I must have jinxed myself by writing about the scooters above not coming until the day after christmas lol

Now what if that was all the money we had for christmas, ya know, i mean theirs millions of people out there who struggle and God my heart goes out to any one of them who spent what little they had on an online gift for their kids and then get one of these emails stating your item will not be delivered before christmas, I mean what do they do, it seriously breaks my heart to think about if I'm being honest cause i guarantee people are going through that exact situation right now!!

And i know for a fact my wife even called them before ordering and they assured her its in stock and will be delivered before christmas, and I'm sure one of these poor people probably called to got reassured and then emailed a big fuck you and your christmas delay letter

sad, sorry for the rant, but it got me to thinking , what if i couldn't go out and buy my kids the gift that we ordered and won't show up in time, its well fucked is what it is!
lol, ok well wife is nearly done, Got her 2 pairs of combat type boots, black and brown pair, she likes that combat boot look with tights, and i must admit its sexy as hell! Also an Apple watch, and some of those leg warmer type things that hand out of the top of ur boots, lol, and i got her diamond earing and my daughter a matching pair but my daughters diamonds are much smaller lmao , I probably paid way too much for the set of earing considering it was Zales but fuck it who has time to shop around,

so far the best part of the Holiday was My kids yesterday on Santas Lap , they are 2.5 years old now, and its the best Christmas yet ,
I will tell you this the best time being a dad is coming up. Daughters are the absolute best from 2.5 to 4 years old; relized this is a special time and enjoy it for all its worth.