Assaulted by television!


New member
I'm "not normal" in many ways. One such way is that I almost never watch TV. I do realize this is radically different from most Americans. I get my news the old fashioned way: from the newspaper.

That said, I've been in a doctor's office this morning waiting with my wife, as she has what I'll call a "checkup procedure" this morning.

Of course, the TV is on. It's tuned to CBS news. The talking heads coming at me feels like a machine gun! And much of it is not newsworthy, is complete bullshit, a lot of hype about little.... But it's NON STOP! They hardly take a breath, they all talk in the same sort of rapid fire voice, trying to sound like they're delivering some gravely important news.

And most of it I keep thinking to myself, "Who gives a shit??" Or, "OH, bullshit!" (This specifically when campaign propaganda is being delivered).

Advertisements are no better....

I just HAD to get outta here! I went to the Wawa for a coffee when my wife got called back, but had to return so I wouldn't miss being called back when she's done. So once more, I'm enduring the assault on my senses.....
Yup, me too. Was just at my local library yesterday, as a matter of fact, renewing the David Baldacci novel I'm reading.
Why are newspapers better than TV? The same type of people running the TV newsrooms run the newpapers
Why are newspapers better than TV? The same type of people running the TV newsrooms run the newpapers

You're 100% right. It's not that the content is any better. It's the delivery. When I'm fed up with some bullshit in the paper I can turn the page and it goes away. With the TV it's rapid-fire, repetitive propaganda delivery. They don't take a breath, cut immediately to the next talking head spewing bullshit, cut to commercial with more bullshit..... Non stop!
couldn't agree more emw14, did away with tv maybe four years ago. haven't missed it.
you ever read dragons or dinosaurs. guy makes a very good argument against evolution.
i hate the same propaganda being spewed out by our school system. the case in point
they teach evolution as fact, when it is just theory and conjecture. it takes more faith to
believe in evolution than it does in at least intelligent design. the odds of just one single
cell organism (amoeba) are billions to one and we have so many diverse organisms that it
is unfathomable to estimate the odds.
sorry got off track, old age syndrome kicking in. lol think i can use that now as an excuse.
I hate TV! The media sensationalizes tragedys and exposes national security weaknesses for ratings. I'm not convinced there's not the ability for people to watch us through the tv if they wanted. I read the paper too while I'm eating breakfast and take it with a grain of salt (figuratively lol).
I'm the same way. I can't watch the news.. I can't stand to even hear it.. the stupidity and propaganda is offensive. I'll tell you one thing though... we are not the minority. In my experience MOST of the PRODUCTIVE contributory people in this country feel the same way. The fundamental irony is that you don't have to contribute or in any way educated to vote... if there really is a vote... we KNOW the Secretary of State is corrupt, The President is corrupt and does not support the constitution, the Attorney General is corrupt and interferes with investigations without any repercussions, the IRS is horribly corrupt.. the VA is corrupt and inept, the NSA is corrupt and doesn't let the law or constitution infer with its objectives, do I need to keep going?? I can... it's funny... we are ASSAULTED with factual instances of what amounts to treasonous activities by our OWN Governemnt, but I could go to Prison for using a little testosterone?!
Like I say over and over... the writing is on the wall folks
main stream media only does what oblama tells them to do. if you notice the liberals have a whole lot of money backing themand the corruption isn't just with politicians. with people like george soros, bill gates, and other multi-billionaires being able to fund the beast, we'll be in a hurt locker. this is a sign of the times and i whole-heartily believe we are witnessing the end-times and prophecy come alive before our eyes. so many are already beginning to embrace the way of the world, the beast and the anti-christ. and it's going to get a lot worse. i do hope trump wins, and if clinton does we all know it's because dems have cheated, again. i with ya on the idea that they so dang corrupt, yet outlaw steroids. is that like the pot calling the kettle black or something, lol?