new pic how am i doing ?


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Doing good!! Keep it up.
When weight or inches stop coming off add more cardio and adjust diet more and more..
If u keep doing the work it will happen.
Big changes u lost some weight for sure

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I got buried with work. Back caught up for a bit and will try and stay ahead

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my arms are looking like wires..size doesn't mean much when comes to the amount of weight being used but I worked up to 160 strict curl and still couldn't get my biceps to grow. I wonder if I beat 160 and hit maybe 180 if the extra strength would break my plateau.

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also once I hit 250 pounds or less I'd like to run year long cycle...gonna need help with it.
Maybe try a different rep/weight deal. maybe lower weight and increase reps for a while and see how you are doing. 160 strict is a whopping lift for reps, great work. maybe less rest between sets.

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46 pounds to lose, that's my goal for now. It will only get harder as I progress.


  • WIN_20190129_18_41_17_Pro.jpg
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lost 4 pounds weigh 296

Keep it up I am proud of u brother. Are u using diet and training I recommend??
Let me know, us know post up your current diet and workouts so we can see what is working and help u keep it working.

Let us know if u using gear, I recommend against until u lost some weight and got things rolling on own but what did u do??
And diet I know I gave u a good one but it was only a start and I considered that u were eating alot.... I think we cut Alot of carbs but also kept u at a good amount of calories prolly 3000. So more will need to be tweaked with diet if u followed what I gave u... I didn't wanna cut too many carbs and leave u low on energy that u used to having until things got rolling....
I myself use carbs and alot. I just avoid bad ones but I also carb at night alot slow carbs, depending but I am trying to grow some. I only completely cut carbs on a cut slowly week by week but I always still need some carbs or I go low on blood sugar and diabetic meter don't lie that I confirm it with.
heres the type of build I wouldn't mind having.

Genetics play role in type. All we can do is build muscle and control leanness!!
U say your arms look little but when I lose all my fat all my muscle look bigger!!!
U gotta stay inspired push harder and harder not stopping and in a year huge changes come... in another year u can be around 13% easy and from there u can learn to cut bekow 10%. Alot of guys that are not just naturally lean don't realise how hard it is to get from 13% to 6%...
It takes dedication and learning and getting to know our own bodies!!!
Keep it up I am proud of u brother. Are u using diet and training I recommend??
Let me know, us know post up your current diet and workouts so we can see what is working and help u keep it working.

Let us know if u using gear, I recommend against until u lost some weight and got things rolling on own but what did u do??
And diet I know I gave u a good one but it was only a start and I considered that u were eating alot.... I think we cut Alot of carbs but also kept u at a good amount of calories prolly 3000. So more will need to be tweaked with diet if u followed what I gave u... I didn't wanna cut too many carbs and leave u low on energy that u used to having until things got rolling....
I myself use carbs and alot. I just avoid bad ones but I also carb at night alot slow carbs, depending but I am trying to grow some. I only completely cut carbs on a cut slowly week by week but I always still need some carbs or I go low on blood sugar and diabetic meter don't lie that I confirm it with.

I should cut down to maybe 2750 for cals. Just picked up some protein powder from Gnc. After 4 weeks test e and cutting
the cycle off right at the point where it was starting to fully work I was a little bit depressed for a month but other then that all good. I've got some stuff stock piled. I do more cardio now. The love handles suck. Ok...this morning bowl of shreddies, lunch is going to be a tuna sandwich 230 a small apple sauce..supper got to pick a meat still with mixed veggies and rice..700 yogurt. I've been out of the gym for a couple weeks got a 70 pound dumbbell here I'm using for full body workouts along with pushups. Worlds gym open in March but the weight keeps getting lighter and lighter. Cant wait to go get back in the gym. I had a knot in my lower back. Labor work and the gym hard to combine. I followed your diet for a while. Now I'm just being cheap saving up for some stuff.
I should cut down to maybe 2750 for cals. Just picked up some protein powder from Gnc. After 4 weeks test e and cutting
the cycle off right at the point where it was starting to fully work I was a little bit depressed for a month but other then that all good. I've got some stuff stock piled. I do more cardio now. The love handles suck. Ok...this morning bowl of shreddies, lunch is going to be a tuna sandwich 230 a small apple sauce..supper got to pick a meat still with mixed veggies and rice..700 yogurt. I've been out of the gym for a couple weeks got a 70 pound dumbbell here I'm using for full body workouts along with pushups. Worlds gym open in March but the weight keeps getting lighter and lighter. Cant wait to go get back in the gym. I had a knot in my lower back. Labor work and the gym hard to combine. I followed your diet for a while. Now I'm just being cheap saving up for some stuff.

Dumbbells at home work, I have used or gotten by with bringing only my 40lb DB's and my curl bar Olympic size with some 25lb, 10lb, and 5lb plates while on road... I did pull ups and pushups and had a big ball to lay on. And I brought adjustable DB's sometimes too.
I worked out for years and years at home. Right now my equipment is at parents in shop. But once I build carport with closed section as gym I will bring it all at new place here. I have alot of stuff for at home I accumulated even a Body Masters Circut Master.. then I have Smith and free weights with cable top and bottom of another set. 600lbs of free Olympic weights, elipticles the works... LOL!! Know u don't and sorry to say all that I accumulated but I have been that committed over the years that I got alot of stuff. A heavy bag with stand too great for cardio..
floor presses and pushup..lost3 more pounds on full stomach weight 293.


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