Full Guide to SARMs | What Are Sarms?


Stage Pro
If you’re interested in adding lean muscle mass to your body, you’ve probably heard of the term SARMS. You may know that they are something like anabolic steroids but are unaware of how they differ from steroids, their level of effectiveness, and whether or not they’re legal.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to SARMS that will answer all of your most pressing questions about them.

What are SARMS?
SARMS are man-made compounds designed to provide people with steroid-like benefits but without the potential side effects. The term SARMS stands for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. [1]

Selective androgen receptor modulators are agonist compounds that bind to a receptor and activate it to produce a specific biological response. Their ability to bind to receptors makes them far more specific in their action than steroids.

This specificity applies to the androgen receptor and the tissue that is acted upon. [2]

As a result of this, SARMS do not affect the body’s androgenic, or male sex hormone-related, activity, allowing you to benefit exclusively from their anabolic qualities.

Selective androgen receptor modulators were developed originally to combat muscle wasting diseases, like sarcopenia, in addition to osteoporosis and some forms of cancer. Their androgen receptor and tissue specificity qualities combined with their ability to differentiate between androgenic (bad) and anabolic (good) activity in the body have resulted in a number of studies that show that SARMS have fewer side effects than anabolic steroids.

How do SARMs Work?
SARMS are usually taken through a tablet or liquid form. They promote an increase in protein synthesis and strength within the selected muscle tissue they act upon.

Selective androgen receptor modulators will target specific tissues throughout the body instead of the liver, brain, or prostate which helps reduce the risk of side effects in those areas.

SARMs vs Steroids
SARMs specifically target muscle tissue whereas steroids are not able to do so. They also have the ability to differentiate between anabolic and androgenic activity.

Thus, the well known sexual characteristic side effects that come with steroids are not going to happen when you take SARMS. [3] They may not give you the same muscle growth and strength enhancing results as steroids but they are much safer in general.

Unlike steroids, selective androgen receptor modulators do not convert to DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) which results in many of the unwanted side effects of using anabolics. [4] However, SARMS will lead to a reduction in natural testosterone production.

Finally, you do not have to inject yourself with SARMs as you do with most steroids.

Are SARMs Legal?
Currently, SARMS are legal under federal law in the US. They are not a controlled substance and are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration.

SARMS are legally classified as research chemicals and cannot be sold for human consumption. Websites or other outlets that sell SARMS must clearly state that they are for research purposes only.

Types of SARMs

Best Overall

Ostarine MK 2866

Ostarine has been shown to be extremely effective in increasing lean muscle mass and reducing body fat.

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Best for Bulking

Testolone RAD 140

Testolone is considered to be the strongest SARM available and it was originally designed to offset the effects of muscle wasting diseases.

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Best for Women

Ligandrol LGD-4033

Ligandrol has been shown to increases muscle mass and strength as well as decrease body fat and bone turnover.

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Best for Strength

Myostine YK-11

Myostine has been shown to be as effective as testosterone in enhancing lean muscle mass and strength.

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