Superset Arms for Crazy Pump

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Presented by Allmax Nutrition

Superset Arms for Crazy Pump

By IFBB Pro Josh Wade

Q: Do you superset all of your arm workouts?

A:When training biceps and triceps together I usually superset a couple of exercises together and then I might do a heavier straight set by itself to finish off the muscle group after warmed up from the superset. Most of the time when I do it in that fashion, I’ll do all my biceps exercises and then go to the triceps. For example, I’ll superset palms-up dumbbell curls with dumbbell hammer curls and then finish with EZ-bar preacher curls by itself.

Sometimes I’ll superset going back and forth from a biceps exercise to a triceps exercise. If I do that, I try to minimize the equipment I use so it doesn’t get taken if I turn my back or walk away. Here is a workout I recently did that way that burned like fire and gave me a crazy pump:


Biceps/Triceps Superset Workout

Rope Pushdowns - 5x12

Superset with

High Pulley Rope Hammer Curls - 5x12

On the high rope hammer curls, I keep the pulley where I use it for pushdowns, grab the rope with a thumbs towards me grip, keeping my upper arms parallel to the ground and curling next to my head and pivoting at the elbow, trying to minimize the pulling motion and focusing more on curling motion.

Lying Triceps Extension (1.5s) - 4x12

Superset with

Close-Grip EZ-Bar Curls (1.5s) - 4x12

Both of these are done with the same EZ curl bar and both done as 1.5s, so doing a full rep and then a half rep from a stretched position to halfway up and counting that as one total rep.

Two-Arm Overhead Dumbbell Extensions - 4x12

Two arms holding one dumbbell, pause on stretch then push

Superset with

Dumbbell Spider Curls - 4x12

Facedown on bench slightly hanging over the top, try to squeeze the dumbbell heads together the whole time.

To enhance the pump and fullness, use Allmax Nutrition's Impact Igniter and Carbion.

Why I Love Coaching!

Anything in life worth having is worth working for. Nothing comes easy but with most things in life if you apply yourself, work hard, and stay disciplined with your goals in mind you can accomplish them. As a competitor I give my all in every training session, every cardio session and obviously every meal is meticulously weighed out to the gram to make sure there are no questions that everything was on point and precise. If you know you gave your all then how can you be disappointed? Sure, we always want to win but the satisfaction of knowing you put in as much effort as you have is a rewarding feeling.

In coaching I feel pride is a big part of your success. We always want to win but the pride you get helping someone become their best, better than they have ever been and better than they ever thought they could be is even more rewarding than winning yourself, in my opinion. Knowing you made a positive impact and difference in someone’s life that they will remember you forever for is WINNING! I can remember back in life the coaches that taught me things, that believed in me and even the ones that didn’t believe in me but made me better by making me want to prove them wrong. You can always find something positive to fuel your fire, to make you want more if you look for it.

I’ve had a few coaches in my bodybuilding career and I learned a lot from all of them. This has made me a better bodybuilding coach but also a better youth sports coach. You never know who might be watching or who you may be influencing so always do your best, work hard, and make meaningful memories.


Knee Pain: Training Around It

Q: I’ve been having knee pain and went to the doctor. He said it’s patellar tendinitis and I shouldn’t weight train for a few weeks, which would be incredibly hard for me. Any suggestions?

A:That’s what most doctors are going to tell you to do, but if it was something they loved doing do you think they would take a break? I doubt it. Once years ago, when I went to the doctor for pain that also turned out to be tendinitis, the doctor didn’t tell me to stop weight training. He told me he loved golfing and he wouldn’t stop golfing. I respected that honest answer. What doctors should be telling people is to ice the injury to decrease inflammation as inflammation is the cause of the pain, but also to strengthen the affected tendons with slow, controlled eccentric movements. What happens when you start getting stronger is the tendons can’t keep up with the muscle strength. The muscles get tight and pull on the tendon, which attaches the muscle to the bone, and it gets inflamed and pissed off. This gives you a nagging constant pain.

I don’t recommend training through injuries but training around them and in a manner that can alleviate the problem. Examples would be doing light leg extensions using both legs to lift the weight, then very slowly and under control resisting the weight down with the hurt knee, then lift with both legs again and resist again. Doing repetitions like that are proven to strengthen the tendons, so I feel you should always incorporate some slow eccentric movements into all your workouts to help tendons be able to keep up with your muscular strength. We all get injuries or pains and sometimes need to take a step back on the weight, slow things down to not feel the pain in the injured area and allow it to heal in a manner that will benefit you when you start increasing the weight again.

Strengthening the Immune System

With the COVID-19 situation, I’ve been getting a lot of inquiries as to which supplements can strengthen the immune system and help prevent infection. These are the supplements that I take every day year-round for immune system function and antioxidants, but they are even more beneficial at times of stress or sickness.

Allmax Immune-Boosting stack

Glutamine: 10g 3x day, upon rising, post-workout and before bed.

R+ALA: 2 caps (300mg) with first and last meal.

CytoGreens: 1 scoop upon rising.

Vitastack: 1 multipack with first meal.

Omega 3: 2g with first and last meal.

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