Put Your Back Strength to the Test With the Chest To Bar Pull-Up

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Pull-ups are a foundational movement for training your back. While they work just fine as-is, you can ante up your training stimulus by increasing your range of motion. The chest to bar pull-up is an advanced skill-based exercise commonly found in CrossFit or functional training programs.

Pulling your chest up to the bar is easier said than done. Just a few extra inches of movement at the top of the pull demands far more strength than a regular pull-up or chin-up. It’s an intense movement that forces you to do a lot with just your body weight. But with the right technique, you can safely and effectively implement the chest-to-bar pull-up into your workout routine.

In this article, we will go through everything you need to know about the chest to bar pull-up, including:

How to Do the Chest to Bar Pull-Up
To meet your chest to the bar in your pull-up, follow these steps to the letter.

Step 1 — Set and Engage
Credit: Riley Stefan
Once you locate the right pull-up bar for use, you’re ready to set your hand placement. Find a natural, double-overhand grip on the bar, slightly wider than a regular pull-up. From there, assume a hanging position with straight arms. Engage your core so your shoulders and hips are aligned vertically under the bar.

Coach’s Tip: In pull-ups, the thumbs can either grip over or under the bar. There is no right or wrong position when it comes to this option. The different hand positions have a small effect on the pull-up itself. It is best to go with whichever option feels most natural, or which style best complements your training.

Step 2 — Pull High
Credit: Riley Stefan
Pull towards the bar by pulling your elbows down. Once your chin passes the bar, pull your elbows back to bring your chest to the bar. The chest will only make contact with the bar if the elbows drift back to expand the chest forward.

Coach’s Tip: At the top, extend your gaze up past the bar. Your chin should be lifted up at the top of the rep, rather than looking at the bar.

Step 3 — Control the Descent
Credit: Riley Stefan
As you change direction, maintain your core tension for a controlled return back to a hanging position. Any momentum or swing in the descent could affect the following repetitions. A controlled descent will improve efficiency within a set of multiple reps.

Coach’s Tip: Make sure you come to a full stop at the bottom of each rep. Reduce swaying as much as possible.

Benefits of the Chest to Bar Pull-Up
The chest to bar pull-up ranks highly on the list of valuable calisthenics exercises. It’s fantastic for targeting both upper back strength and general athletic ability.

Muscular Strength and Hypertrophy
Pull-ups increase upper body strength, muscle hypertrophy, and muscular endurance depending on the intensity and reps prescribed. The pulling motion imposes strain on the muscles to work against the force of gravity. Your muscles must be strong enough to move the weight of your body, which may require a relatively high amount of strength.

Functional Fitness Ability
As with most gymnastics movements, body awareness and midline control can all be developed using the chest to bar pull-up. With extensive training of the exercise, you’ll get a lot better at controlling your own body in space and understanding where your limbs are at any given moment.

Grip Strength and Endurance
Hanging practice including pull-ups can contribute to increases in grip strength and endurance. This is an important attribute for competitive fitness sports, climbing, and gymnastics, as the ability to withstand grip fatigue and slipping is beneficial for both competition and training.

Muscles Worked by the Chest to Bar Pull-Up
Bringing your chest all the way to the bar requires serious muscular contribution. A good chest to bar pull-up involves much more than just decent arm strength.

The major muscle group involved in the chest to bar pull-up is the lats. Your latissimus dorsi muscles support nearly every pulling motion. When you pull your body up, you draw your upper arm back towards your torso. This is called shoulder extension and is one of the lats’ primary functions.

The biceps contribute by supporting the joint motion of bending your arms. Even though they are not the primary muscle performing the work, they’re a necessary support system for the movement.

The strength of the forearms is what allows a pull-up to take place. Your forearms support your grip on the bar which allows you to complete your reps. Your forearms must be strong enough to support holding your entire body weight for the duration of the set.

The core seals a perfect pull-up by holding the body in place for each repetition. Especially in the chest to bar pull-up, a strong core connects the pulling motion to the top finishing position of the rep. With better core control, your reps can be completed more fluidly and efficiently.

Who Should Do the Chest to Bar Pull-Up
Like any exercise, select populations will benefit more than others from performing the chest to bar pull-up. Below are a few of the key groups most likely to utilize the movement in their training regimes.

Calisthenics Athletes
Calisthenics athletes, or individuals who practice body-weight-centric exercise, should train this exercise to maximize their pulling ability. A traditional pull-up alone limits the range of motion of the arms compared to the chest to bar pull-up. Pulling your chest to the bar will extend the range of motion, and help you build towards other more challenging movements.

CrossFitters and Gymnasts
The chest to bar pull-up is an essential skill for both CrossFit enthusiasts and gymnasts. You’ll find chest to bar work in many competitions and workouts, making it highly important to practice regularly. Further, getting your chest to the bar is a gateway skill for more advanced moves like the muscle-up or butterfly pull-up.

Climbers benefit from pull-up practice to a greater extent than most. Advanced and successful sport climbers can be identified by their noteworthy grip and pulling strength because of the high upper body strain involved in the sport. Chest to bar pull-ups should be practiced by climbers to improve endurance and ability.

Chest to Bar Pull-Up Sets and Reps
Depending on your goals, how you use the chest to bar pull-up can be scaled to suit your needs. Read below for how to best use the exercise to your benefit.

For Beginners
As a beginner, you probably won’t be performing very many reps, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t valuable. To maximize your return on investment, stick to multiple sets of 1 to 4 reps. By resting thoroughly, you can avoid fatigue affecting your technique as you learn to perform the chest to bar pull-up properly.

For Strength Athletes
Strength athletes can use the chest to bar pull-up as a back accessory and train it as such. If you can handle the volume, sets of 3 – 10 reps should blast your back and give you a nice pump.

For CrossFit and Gymnastics
If you train gymnastics, keep your reps strict and controlled. If you’re working on your CrossFit performance, it’s worthwhile to include some kipping into your technique to improve the density of your workloads. You can adjust volume based on your personal tolerance.

Chest to Bar Pull-Up Variations
If the strict style of the chest to bar pull-up is not quite right, modifications can easily be made to the movement to better support your training.

Kipping Chest to Bar Pull-Up
A “kip” is a swing of your body that provides momentum to a movement. The kip is done while hanging from the bar by pushing your body forward into an arch position. From there, your body rapidly pulls back into a hollow position, which is the dynamic start of the pull-up. The chest to bar pull-up is more accessible with a kip because it requires less strict pulling strength.

Butterfly Pull-Up
The butterfly pull-up is an interesting and difficult movement. It’s a chest to bar pull-up that uses a unique kipping style to string the reps together efficiently. The kip is exaggerated and perfectly timed to maximize momentum. Right when the rep finishes at the bottom, your momentum is what brings the chest back to the bar for the next rep.

The chest to bar pull-up is the precursor for a valuable skill: the muscle-up. A muscle-up starts with a chest to bar pull-up, and then your wrists and upper body shift over the bar to push your hips to the bar with straight arms. The muscle-up is the finishing touch on a chest to bar pull-up to make it a purposeful movement.

Chest to Bar Pull-Up Alternatives
Chest to bar pull-ups aren’t for everyone. If you can’t make the exercise work for your body, you don’t need to incorporate it into your training. These alternatives provide similar benefits.

The traditional pull-up is a double overhand pull that brings the chin above the bar. It’s a body weight strength training exercise that’s practiced for functional purposes. If you cannot yet pull your chest all the way to the bar, practicing the regular style of pull-ups will help you get there.

A chin-up is done with a double underhand grip (thumbs facing outward). This style of pull-up presents an advantageous shoulder angle for a pulling motion to bring your chin above the bar. This position also allows greater muscle contribution from the arms and biceps. Chin-ups can be used in place of pull-ups as an alternative, or in combination to train more muscle groups.

Banded Pull-Up
In this modification, you can use a resistance band to give you a boost during your reps. Loop one end of a large band around the bar and step your feet into the band while hanging from the bar. The band should greatly support the weight of your pull-up. This will allow for precise practice of the muscle recruitment and positioning in a pull-up, and also let you squeeze in more reps per set.

Wrapping Up
Pulling your chest to the bar might sound simple at first, but as you can see, there’s a lot of strategy behind the magic. Some perform the skill with ease, while others dedicate their training to performing just one rep. In both cases, they’re greatly profiting from the practice.

Repetitions of chest to bar pull-ups will become more operative with practice. And with that practice comes mastery, more upper body strength, and an impressive skill to bust out any time you’re in the gym.

Even a seemingly basic exercise like the pull-up can leave you scratching your head. Below you’ll find some common questions about the chest to bar pull-up, answered.

What if I want to practice pull-ups but cannot perform a repetition yet?It is common to want to practice pull-ups without being able to perform a repetition yet. Doing pull-ups is a goal that many people have for the sole reason that the skill is very difficult. With the right practice of upper body muscle activation and development, you can absolutely gain the ability to do a chest to bar pull-up. Start with regular pull-ups before extending the range of motion, and work on some of the easier variations first.

Should everyone practice chest to bar pull-ups?Chest to bar pull-ups are different for all athletes. The skill is especially difficult for some due to individual differences in anatomy. Some athletes will string them together with ease, while some athletes will never be able to perform one correctly. It is best to consider your individual situation when deciding the right variation of pull-ups for your training.

Featured Image: Blanscape / Shutterstock

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