Hardcore 5 – Testosterone Cycles Doses and Side Effects

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In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den check out the highly rated Testosterone We discuss:

• It's history. Why it was created and what for and even by whom

• We suggest dosing frequency and amounts

• The half life and how long it can stay in your system

• How this knowledge helps you create cycles to suit your needs

• The different kinds of testosterone – there are many so pay attention

• It's use in TRT, so-called 'Sports TRT' and other cycles

• The kinds of cycles different athletes might run – both for bodybuilders and strength athletes

• Typical side effects and how to deal with them and more

Link to article:

For 1-on-1 coaching/consultation/source help requests hit up Stevesmi

Where to get blood tests:

Search for #coachedbymobster on Instagram

Please note we’re not doctors and the opinions are ours. It’s our view and is based on our experience and views on the topic. Our Podcasts are for informational purposes and entertainment only. The Freedom of speech and 1st amendment applies.

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People don't know, what they don't know. Yet the preach and have no historical data to back anything up. Bro Science lead to death. So very sad.