Super Blue-Green Algae?


New member
Does anyone use this stuff on here: Super Blue Green Algae (SBGA). It can only be found in a specific lake- the name escapes me- in southern Oregon and is supposedly the most nutrient-dense food on this planet. It possesses all of the amino acids, in their most complete state, and is full of enzymes, vitamins and minerals. The big thing is the enzymes, being that most of the food we eat lacks them, and therefore we don't get the most from our food (unless they are raw foods, and even then our soil is so goddamn exhausted anyway, it hardly matters). Anyone have any experience with SBGA?
SBGA or Afanizomononflosaquae is found in Klameth Lake in Klameth Falls Oragon. It has every single essential and non essential amino acid in it. Very interesting food but I understand their has been reports of bad stains of algae being harvested in it. I used it a while ago. It is from a company called Celltech. Network Marketing company that has other products as well which are all made with SBGA. They make lots of claims and I believe I felt better taking it but it was not worth the price in my oppion.
LOL, I never heard of this stuff before. I never knew eating algae could be good for you. Maybe carp know something we don't.
I totally believe in holistic health/nutrition........I feed my dog a natural dogfood, along with some holistic supps in addition to yogurt, cottage cheese, red meat, and tuna........he's healthier than I am!!
Honestly sounds like Marketing Hype to me. That crap about the soils being depleted is simply not true. Soils change meter to meter and much less county to county or state to state. To make such a broad generaliztion is just a way to get someone to react. There is more than one company trying to sell this product. Take it and believe for all your worth and enjoy the palcebo effect.
Actually bro soil depletion is true and very real. I did my thesis on it. With chemical fertalization and inadequate crop rotation their are numerous minerals lost. I don't think we need to be eating algae or anything like that but now more than ever it is important to supplement good vitamins into our diets. Besides I don't buy anything network marketing anymore.
Where was your study based? Did you look at the nation as a whole or at the plains? I am an agriculterist, I grew up on a farm and got a degree from U of Wyoming in agroecology. That is my background and where I come from academically. I don't buy into the whole natural foods mumbo jumbo. Yes you need your vitamins but that is not because farmers are raising to much corn on beans and now the corn doesn't have the right nutrients. It is because you are eating too much corn and processed foods and not a wide enough variety. IE When I say you I do not mean Radical_P I mean US society in general. US ag has become much more conserve since the 50's less erosion and more understanding of chemicals has made it so.

What minerals are being lost? Were these minerals availible in the subsoil to begin with?
Very good post rugbythug. You know how it is, evrybody has some research to prove the other person wrong. I just found it interesting that their is an incline in chronic degenerative diseases and a decline in food quality. Most of this has to do with fast food and poor diet habits though. I am checking on some research papers that I have somewhere that was done at Duke University. These studies showed that there are oranges found at numerous grocerey stores that have 0% of vitamin C. They also found that if you took a plate of spinach from 1954 and you wanted to get the same amount of iron as you did then, you would have to eat 26 same size plates. They did soil testings from around the USA and compared it to other soil samples from 20 years ago. With this study they found multiple mineral depletions. I will do what I can to find this paper. Anyway, I am sure that someone else has done a study to disprove this by now.
I will give you this-Just like everything else around-Plants are grown to fast. With the improvement in genetics, fertilizer, and lack of weed competition plants are growing faster than ever. This is more than likely why you see a lack of phyto nutrients. But until farmers are paid better and differently there will be no resolution of this problem. Right now everything is based on quantity not quality. Sorry to beat a dead horse but it is not very often I get to pontificate about this subject.
I have to agree with you. I fell that the farming industry needs to be compensated much better than they are. Sound off all you want because you have some great points.
I worked in a health food store for some time and we sold that shit. All it has are basic minerals, vitamins and some amino acids in it. But there is not much more to it. There is just a lot of good hype behind it. Not worth your money.