Thermogenic Alternatives Question


Staff member
Honestly I can take 50mg of pure ephedrine 600mg of caffiene and 300 mg of asparin and fall right a sleep, anyone haveany other alternatives to stacks to get me going, I get that initial belly rumble but it just isnt the same anymore, need to take some time off stacks but still use something else?
Presser I think your past the point of conventional methods for a pick me up. Try cocaine, meth anphetamines and jolt cola I here that will get you going!
hmmm its a real toss up between cocain and meth, lemme get back to ya,lol
are you looking for thermogenic are stimulant effects? If your going for the cns stimulation look up arcalion (think thats how it''s spelled) its supposed to be a tweaked up derivitate of one of the b vitamins and a wicked stimulant. You should be able to find deanol on line cheap as well. I have not had a chance to look into bodybuilding applications on this one but there is also a drug that is classified as a norepinephrin reuptake inhibitator that should boost norepinephrin levels in the brain wich could be usefull, think its called neurontin but I'm not sure check at IAS they have a pretty informative site.
I know the feeling. I found that stacking 3-4 grams of piracetam and 10 mg vinpocetine along with the ECA stack really cranks me up mentally which leads to the physical jolt.
hey cyphon do you find that affter you''ve been on vinpocetine for a few weeks you start talking about twice normal speed or am I alone on this one.
I thought I was the only one who used piracetam. I got mine from some place online for studying it was cheap as heck but causes me to get tired by itself.

Doesn't that vinopocetine cause you to get the chills? I tried some of the VPX stuff (Redline) and I was sweating but shivering in the gym. I must have looked like I needed a fix or something and I'll never use it again.
I never had any bad reactions to piracetam or vinpocetime other than mental clarity and increased productivity.

ATK- Yea I sure do find myself alot more talkative with vinpocetine and piracetam.......It's probably due to the fact that it's igniting that cognitive flame and now you can think clearer and therefore speak a hell of a lot more on certain
Were do you find vinopocetine by itself? Normally it is in things but as an ingredient never alone.

ATK and Cyphon,
You use the piracetam for the gym?? It's supposed to help with cognitive functioning why would you use it for working out?
Vinpocetine can be found at
I use piracetam for workouts simply to get rid of my "LAZY BRAIN" syndrome. I stack it with ECA and I get a physicall and neurological boost that helps me tear through the weights whether im on AAS or not.....Awesome shit.
Proud-First off, most things that improve cognitive function can allso improve perferformance in the gym. The trick is to find the right dose and the right mix. I don't use peraciten that much but I love deprenyl and vinpocetine. With deprenyl's MAO imhibition working on my side in the gym what happens is that I focus on say a set of deadlifts. I knock off 10 reps and my adrenalin is raised from the effort. With the mao inhibition I will still have more than normal levels of norepinephrin flowing in my brain for the next set and by the time my heavy set comes up well... lets just say i'm ready to bite the heads off of littly puppy dogs just for kicks. In other words i'm in a realy intense and focused place.

Just don't drink milk and take deprenyl before a workout. The tryptophan will kick your ass hard.