Why You Should Taking Spotting Seriously


New member
Hey Bro's

We've all been to the gym before and seen people "Spotting" while their partner lifts. Most of the time, it's not very serious and the spotter isn't really doing a great job or understanding the real importance of it.

Every one of us at one time or another has been a spotter for a friend, or someone else in the gym that asked you to spot them while they do their heavy set.

Today I witnessed why spotting is so important and why we should all take being the job as a spotter seriously.

I was hitting the weights today with my buddy and we were watching two guys who really looked like they knew what they were doing. They were big guys and looked like they had lots of gym experience. I was watching because the guy was doing Overhead Tricep Extentions with a 120 Pound Dumbell and that is just HUGE!

The guy was standing up with the 120 Pound Dumbell over his head and doing his overhead tricep extentions, his buddy is behind him ready to take the weight from behind his neck if/when it got to heavy. Just then a really hot girl walked past wearing some really tight skimpy clothes and the spotter looked over and watched her walk by. He wasn't paying attention to his buddy while he was grunting out the last few reps. He didn't see that his buddy couldn't do any more and the weight was stuck behind his neck and he was barely hanging onto it. He didn't see when the guy dropped it behind his back because he just couldn't hold it anymore. He didn't see the Dumbell as it came crashing down. He didn't notice until the 120 pound Dumell smashed his left foot and crushed the bones into tiny pieces. The entire gym heard him scream like he was being murdered. Then his shoe started turning red and he passed out from the pain. The ambulance had to come and take him out on a stretcher.

Bro's. Being a spotter is not a joke. This is exactly why being a GOOD spotter is important and why you just can't take your eyes off your partner. The reason you are spotting is because it might be too heavy and he might drop it. When someone asks you to spot for them, you don't know how much they can lift. This kind of accident should never happen. Lets all learn from this mistake and realize that maybe we should be paying a little more attention next time.

Safety first bro's.

Just wanted to share that with everyone.
Very good post and a very good reminder. I've been guilty of watching a chick walk by while being the spotter. Good reminder. Thanks.
Wow--- defintely a reason to stay focused!!! I guess that guy won't be his spotter anymore.
Wow, that's a really good post. I'll remember that one for sure.
Ah man, when I read your post I almost fell of my chair laughing.. I dont really think its funny at all but the way you tell the story gave me a good laugh for sure!

Anyway, I also have a story like that but it was about guys who dont know how to train. The guy benching put way too much weight, so after 1.5 rep he cant move the bar up and his buddy couldnt even hold the damn bar lol so the guy below the bar was screaming for help LOL ! What do I see 5 minutes after that ?? The same stupid fucks do the same shit again. makes you wonder how come so much stupid people train.. :eek:
Striker said:
Ah man, when I read your post I almost fell of my chair laughing.. I dont really think its funny at all but the way you tell the story gave me a good laugh for sure!

Anyway, I also have a story like that but it was about guys who dont know how to train. The guy benching put way too much weight, so after 1.5 rep he cant move the bar up and his buddy couldnt even hold the damn bar lol so the guy below the bar was screaming for help LOL ! What do I see 5 minutes after that ?? The same stupid fucks do the same shit again. makes you wonder how come so much stupid people train.. :eek:

If they are idiots enough to try that again, they are defintely missing a part of their brain.
They deserve what they get....
Good reminder. We all need spotters no matter how far along. Mistakes happen. Plus the spotter is critical for hitting those last couple reps that make you grow.
Dang....im sure that all happened in a split second too...otherwise, that spotter got what he deserved. If I am spotting I am looking at the bar/dumbells no matter what....Jenna Jameson could walk past stark naked and I wouldn't look away (but once the weight is racked...game on!) Im surprised the spotter didn't hear the guy grunting of anything. Usually I tell my friends (the rare time I ever use a spot) don't touch it unless I tell you to, and when I need their help I'll grunt out a, "Spot..." and they will help.

Kinda off subject, but does anyone else HATE it when the spotter just yanks the weight up and doesn't let you work for it? I will barely help the guy im spotting unless it starts falling back on him or it's completely stuck at the botton. Also, people complain about me sweating on them while im spotting. Well dumbass....why ask the kid who's fucken drenched after a leg workout when there are perfectly dry people around?!! I try to wipe as much off and try and keep it from dropping on his head...but sometimes it happens. Don't f*cken say shit when you can obviously see im f*cken drippin!! Sorry...just had to vent that a lil...