new deadlift WR...937

Thats alot to deadlift. I still say one of the most imprssive deadlifts was franco columbo (weighin in under 200lbs) deadlifted 705lb.

But that was very impressive
da_Fonz said:
Thats alot to deadlift. I still say one of the most imprssive deadlifts was franco columbo (weighin in under 200lbs) deadlifted 705lb.

But that was very impressive
with less than 10%bf too. that guy was/is a freak!

tonykemp said:
That is a lot of weight. Wow.
yeah tony, but if you are going to go for something go hard right!
Ol Franco was considered the strongest bbr back in his time, pound for pound. Remember he did the strongman comp after he won the Mr. Olympia.
yeah, franco was awesome! did you ever see that video of him lifting that car out because he was boxed in? simply unreal!
Flexmaster said:
yeah tony, but if you are going to go for something go hard right!

Of course. I believe I could probably pull close to 500 lbs myself on a deadlift. I'm unusually strong though I don't have a lot of size. I did a 520 lbs on the leg press today for 10 reps. If I can get my mass and weight up some more, I may be able to go higher than 500.
IMHO too many people think too much about a lift before doing it. yesterday i watched two kids attempt to break the gym records for dead for thier age group. the first one could have easily got it...but he sits in the down position for like 30 seconds before going after it. i told him to just fucking walk up to it and dont think about it but pull with all your fucking might. he's got the form down, but tries to psyche himself up and ends up doubting himself. once there is a shred of doubt you might as well give the fuck up because if you dont believe in yourself and fucking reach for the stars why the hell are you even in the gym in the first place. hell yeah. deadlifts get me so motivated i cant believe it.
Yeah, i own pumpin iron where he lifted the car up. I dont know deadliftin 500lb is alot if ya dont deadlift. I mean it is easily attainable but get the form and the weight will come and dbefore you know it you'll rep 500lb clean.
i guess im a natural at dead lifting

ok im 14 weight between 125 - 130 lbs i have the cut build so its hard for me to gain weight which means i have a fast metabolism so im practically solid muscle and i ahve irritable bowel syndrome to from what ive looked up on the internet which says that it also makes your metabolism faster even tho means i have a slow digestive system but i think i might be strong in deadlifting because i mean on the weight machine i got i can only go up to about 180 pounds maybe but i can dead lift that slow reps doing as many i can do i can do about 200 reps with that and i mean this was after basketball season so i would prolly give alot of the credit to my basketball coach for those ofyou who have seen coach carter the new basketball movie man my coach made there practice look like they were just stretching lol cause my coach first of all at practice i know everyone here knows what a suicide is right well he would give us a base number of 500 suicides and we would have to go to every line on the court touch it and come back until we touched the last other baseline and came back and had to do that in 18 econds now thats fast but then having to keep doing suicides and getting tired and if someone on the team passed the line comming back with more than 15 seconds than we would have 5 more now after like 20 people getting kicked off the team on the first day and plenty more quitting from all the running well never did finish so i guess he knew he were not gonna finish so he decided to lower them to 100 suicides for the practice now i thought that would be all we were doing after we ran but no we had to do jumping exercises after that where we hop from the ground up 2 feet and jump back up as soon as out feet hit the ground the pushups and many many many many more exercises we finally finished our practice for that day well actually they were tryouts but he could not cut anybody because everyone quit so he had to keep us well we started practice at 6 in the morning on a satuday and ended at 2 am on sunday and well the training was not so intense after that day but was still pretty hard

now what we had to do he lowered the suicides to 50 but we had to make everyone back in 16 seconds now or 5 more i be damned if we did not do 120 suicides that day now after we did out suicides we has the jumping exercises i mentioned where you jump up and come down and jump right back up off a 2 foot platform well we had to do footwork drills passing drills play fullcourt games all with a bunch of other exercises to do before we played like toe squats which is where i learned the ones i do every once in a while where i stand on the very tips on my toes and lean back against the wall to keep ballance and push up off the ground real slow using your quads and calfs now after like 50 of these we could barely walk we had major cramps when we stopped moving for a little bit but he had some hardcore practice now i cant explain all of the training we did because thats alot of typing and thinking of what all we did and trying to make sense on some of the stuff but alright when i first started playing i could barly grab a little bit shorter than 10 foot rim but after basketball season we i could do 360 under the leg dunks on 10 foot goals i mean i had like 24 inches added onto my vertical but man i could not keep that training up man but we lost every fucking one of our games because he never really taught my team mates to be teams players never passing taking all wild 3 pointers air balls missing layups and we were sore from practice but we damn sure were not tired lol we could play like 5 full court games full speed running and not get tired we were in such good shape but after that season was over no more exercising for me so i could not jump as high could not run as fast or nothing but if i was to be a pro basketball player man that would be the trainer i would want cause jsut 1 season i could jump an extra 2 feet on my vertical man

but anyway i cant give all the credit to my coach tho because i have always been strong i used to mess around with some kids in school my friend was like 325 lbs big ass dude he had muscle yah but id say almost equal to that muscle in fat and we would hit each other and push each other and i could over power him and i mean he was huge but i ve never tried to max out on deadlifts matter fact ive only done them like 2 . 1 just messing around and 1 when i did all those reps with 180 lbs well anyway what im trying to ask is how much do you think i can deadlift 10 times
Well doing traditional deadlifts is nothing like a doing them on a machine. I would say dont worry bout how much you can lift and focus on doing them right and doing them freeweight, theres a big difference bewt freewieght and machines.
well its not as good as free weights but its a cable connected a ba that im dead lifting and the cable is connected to the weight
Yeah, you have to remember the physics of it, every time a pulley is used in moving a weight the actual weight lifted is less than that of the listed amount so it would be hard to guess. So the more pulleys the easier it is to lift a weight. Not to mention the intial pull off the floor which is where the burst of power is needed to lift the weight.