6 weeks bulking / 6 weeks cutting cycle


New member
has anyone ever tried to bulk for the beginning of a cycle and then cut for the end, like the last 6 weeks of a 12 week cycle? I know it's not much time but it seems like it would be possible with the right compounds. What do you guys think? Would probably work better for a longer cycle...
Yes and no. Some people who notice gear results very quickly may be able to pull it off.

I'm kinda doing something like this on my current cycle. My calories won't go down (if anything, go up as I'm above maintenance now) but I'm running test/eq the whole way through w/ dbol to start and winny/clen the last 6 weeks.

This is really just to lean bulk, when I diet down, it is full all out dieting for 12 weeks.
more like 10 weeks bulking then 10 weeks cutting, 6 and 6 is too short!
Lol yeah it popped up at bottom of another thread lol I miss mike!