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What's up fellas. Summer is about to hit, I'm currently on my 2nd cycle of anabolic superdrol. I weigh 228 lbs and I'm 5'10" now.I'm a freshman in college, going into my sophomore off season summer training. I did my first cycle right after wrestling season ended, I weighed 200 lbs then, after the 1st cycle I weighed 220. Anyway, summer is about to hit, I take creatine and protein too, my diet is pretty crappy, but I'm thinking about taking Phera-Plex, 17-HD or Test Boost when summer hits or maybe stacking one of those with superdrol. Not sure if that's a smart idea though. I was wondering what u guys think I should use or if u have any other reccomendations for supplements I can take with the creatine and protein? Thx fellas.
before you even worry about supplement bro, you need to get your diet in check for what you want to do. what kinda diet do you have anyways?
Supplement wise, i would just go with creatine and protien like you have been taking, some BCAA's would be a good idea as well as L-glutamine and following a good diet, depending on your goals. Are you looking to bulk up now or cut down?
time and time again people are quick to think that OTC supps will give you the results you want. You don't plan on taking any gear for at 1 year. Will in that one year if you take protein,gluatamine and vitamin pak and have your diet DOWN A SCIENCE, there is no prohormone or other scam that will give you better results than those 3 products. Instead of wasting your money on that crap save it for a good cycle. Personally I would not even mess with roids until I have reached my natural limit or you are cheating your self. Allrighty then, God bless playur and keep your game up! ;)
vertigorocks said:
Supplement wise, i would just go with creatine and protien like you have been taking, some BCAA's would be a good idea as well as L-glutamine and following a good diet, depending on your goals.

Ditto. Spend your money on good quality food and don't throw it away on bullshit marketing schemes.
Bro, superdrol and other pro-hormones are just types of gear that get through legal loopholes they act in the same way as gear although admittedly less pronounced effects occur, but most report much greater side effects. You are kidding yourself if you think by using these you are still natural, they are an expensive waste of money, good old Dianabol would do a lot more for the money
finephysique said:
You are kidding yourself if you think by using these you are still natural, they are an expensive waste of money, good old Dianabol would do a lot more for the money

thank you.

thats like jeff willet of AST saying hes 100% natural but was taking like 3grams of pro-hormones a day while they were still legal.

give me a fucking break.
I don't care about being natural, I just want to get bigger, stronger and faster. and yes I'm trying to bulk up, I still have to put on another 12-15 lbs over the summer.
If you want to stay lean, look at a short acting test ester, some tren, winnie and GH. Expensive, but GOOD!!!!